labath added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Utility/ReproducerInstrumentation.h:19
+#include "lldb/API/SBFile.h"
This is definitely not right. `Utility` should never include other lldb 
libraries. I think this stuff should be defined in the API folder. Either in 
the SBFile.cpp directly, or some additional cpp file.

Comment at: lldb/source/Utility/ReproducerInstrumentation.cpp:38
+template <> lldb::SBFile Deserializer::Deserialize<lldb::SBFile>() {
+    //@JDevlieghere I'm pretty sure this is not the right thing to
lawrence_danna wrote:
> @JDevlieghere advice please.
This is not totally surprising as SBDebugger::SetInputFile ignores the input 
SBFile when it's in replay mode. However, it still doesn't seem like the right 
fix. I am guessing that something special needs to happen in the record/replay 
logic of the SBFile constructor, but off-hand, it's not fully clear to me what 
would that be.

I think ideally, we'd have the reproducer shadowing that's currently done in 
SBDebugger::SetInputFileHandle kick in earlier (in the SBFile constructor) so 
that it covers all SBFiles, and not just those that later become the debugger 
input handles, but I don't think it should be on you to make all of that work. 
Maybe the appropriate fix would be to just make sure the SBFile constructor 
creates empty objects and acknowledge that reproducers won't work for all 
SBFiles until someone actually implements the appropriate support for them.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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