JDevlieghere added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/source/Utility/ReproducerInstrumentation.cpp:38
+template <> lldb::SBFile Deserializer::Deserialize<lldb::SBFile>() {
+    //@JDevlieghere I'm pretty sure this is not the right thing to
labath wrote:
> lawrence_danna wrote:
> > @JDevlieghere advice please.
> This is not totally surprising as SBDebugger::SetInputFile ignores the input 
> SBFile when it's in replay mode. However, it still doesn't seem like the 
> right fix. I am guessing that something special needs to happen in the 
> record/replay logic of the SBFile constructor, but off-hand, it's not fully 
> clear to me what would that be.
> I think ideally, we'd have the reproducer shadowing that's currently done in 
> SBDebugger::SetInputFileHandle kick in earlier (in the SBFile constructor) so 
> that it covers all SBFiles, and not just those that later become the debugger 
> input handles, but I don't think it should be on you to make all of that 
> work. Maybe the appropriate fix would be to just make sure the SBFile 
> constructor creates empty objects and acknowledge that reproducers won't work 
> for all SBFiles until someone actually implements the appropriate support for 
> them.
Thanks for the great explanation Pavel, I share your thoughts on this. So to 
make this work you'll want to remove the `LLDB_REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR` for SBFile 
that take a file descriptor or a  `FILE*` (which looks like it's currently 
missing?) and have custom `doit` implementation  (similar to what I did in 
SBDebugger) that just returns and empty SBFile. 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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