stella.stamenova added a comment.

In D68980#1709931 <>, @labath wrote:

> In D68980#1709884 <>, 
> @stella.stamenova wrote:
> > The two things that come to mind are the path to clang-cl (which is 
> > sometimes a clang build and sometimes installed on the system as part of a 
> > VS installation or an LLVM installation) as well as the path to the linker 
> > when it is needed. This is most often an issue in the case of a VS install 
> > - I don't remember all the details any more, but I believe that before Zach 
> > added the script, we were often picking up the wrong clang-cl and ending up 
> > not being able to compile the tests at all.
> Thanks.
> Was this during a standalone lldb build? In a non-standalone build, lit 
> should definitely prefer the just-built clang/lld (and if it doesn't, it 
> should be fixed to do that). The situation is more complicated for a 
> standalone build because the clang binary is sort of out of our control. But, 
> in this case, I don't see how having around can help, because the 
> information about which clang to use has to come externally anyway...

Both. Again, it's been a long time, but when we use VS for building, the 
environment already contains a path to clang-cl so regardless of whether the 
build is standalone or not, the build gets confused about which clang-cl to 
use. @mstorsjo might want to update the tests to use clang-cl but then make 
sure that the update works on the Windows Buildbot (or similar environment) 
before committing.



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