aprantl added a comment.

Thanks, Pavel, these are all very valid concerns and in retrospect I should 
have at least slapped an RFC label on this before dumping into phabricator last 
night. The goal of this (and I should have mentioned that in the description) 
is to make the Xcode SDK something that behaves more like the compiler's 
resource directory, as in that it ships with LLDB rather than with the debugged 
program. This important primarily for importing Swift and Clang modules in the 
expression evaluator, and getting at the APINotes from the SDK in Swift.

For a cross-debugging scenario, this means you have to have an SDK for your 
target installed alongside LLDB. In Xcode this will always be the case. As you 
correctly identified my first patch does not work if you are cross debugging, 
e.g., a macOS target from a Linux machine because we are querying the 
HostPlatform for the SDK path and only PlatformDarwin implements this function. 
I'm open to any suggestions (and will also think about this myself) for how to 
make the layering less awkward, the only hard requirement I have is that I need 
the SDK path remapping information inside the per-module Swift typesystem, so I 
can't depend on a target for any of this.

What do you think about the general idea of a HostPlatform having several 
cross-SDKs installed and knowing where to find them? What would be a better 
place for this otherwise?



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