Thanks, Vitaly!

Let's have them there for at least 24 hours, shall we?

Could you move sanitizer-buildbot1, sanitizer-buildbot3,
sanitizer-buildbot7 as well, please?

AnnotatedCommand on the staging has been tested functionally and is good.
My only concern at this point is how it would handle a heavy load, so the
more bots we will have on the staging the better.

If somebody else could move their AnnotatedCommand bots to the staging
area, that would be much appreciated.



On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 9:45 PM Vitaly Buka <> wrote:

> Looks like staging AnnotatedCommand fixed step statuses, so we can see
> which one is green.
> Please let me know when to switch bots back from the staging.
> Thank you!
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 21:38, Vitaly Buka <> wrote:
>> Switched all but PPC, I don't have access to them. But they run the same
>> script as sanitizer-x86_64-linux.
>> On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 19:19, Galina Kistanova <>
>> wrote:
>>> We have a better version of AnnotatedCommand on the staging. It should
>>> be a functional equivalent of the old one.
>>> We need to stress test it well before moving to the production build bot.
>>> For that we need all sanitizer + other bots which use the
>>> AnnotatedCommand directly or indirectly moved temporarily to the staging.
>>> Please let me know when that could be arranged.
>>> Thanks
>>> Galina
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 11:39 AM Reid Kleckner <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 4:32 PM Galina Kistanova via lldb-commits <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> They are online now -
>>>>> AnnotatedCommand has severe design conflict with the new buildbot.
>>>>> We have changed it to be safe and still do something useful, but it
>>>>> will need more love and care.
>>>>> Please let me know if you have some spare time to work on porting
>>>>> AnnotatedCommand.
>>>> That's unfortunate, it would've been good to know that earlier. I and
>>>> another team member have spent a fair amount of time porting things to use
>>>> more AnnotatedCommand steps, because it gives us the flexibility to test
>>>> steps locally and make changes to the steps without restarting the buildbot
>>>> master. IMO that is the Right Way to define steps: a script that you can
>>>> run locally on a machine that satisfies the OS and dep requirements of the
>>>> script.
>>>> I am restarting the two bots that I am responsible for, and may need
>>>> some help debugging further issues soon. I'll let you know.
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