Michael137 added a comment.

Thanks for reviewing

> - keep `gmodules` as a category, but not a *debug info* category. Among other 
> things this enables running all gmodules tests with the `--category gmodules` 
> flag.

This should be easy to arrange and was the other alternative I considered. Just 
removing `gmodules` from the `debug_info_categories` list in 
`test_categories.py` should suffice

> teach buildDefault to build with gmodules enabled in case the test is 
> annotated with the gmodules category.

I assume you're referring to `getBuildCommand` in `builder.py`. Currently we're 
passing it the `debug_info` category and infer the Makefile flags from it. Will 
have to see if we can extract the `categories` attribute there too.

> teach the debug info replication to ignore tests with the gmodules category 
> (just like it does for @no_debug_info_test_case tests). This step wouldn't be 
> necessary if we made debug info replication opt-in instead of opt-out, as 
> discussed on one of the previous patches (@JDevlieghere might remember which 
> one it was)

That's an interesting idea. @JDevlieghere @aprantl How much appetite is there 
for changing the replication to be opt-in (that would require an audit of each 
API test right?). Otherwise, an alternative that comes to mind without 
hard-coding a `category == gmodules` into the replication logic would be to 
make `debug_info_categories` a `dictionary<category: string, replicable: bool>` 
and keep `gmodules` in there. Then we wouldn't need to make changes to 
`getBuildCommand` either.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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