Michael137 updated this revision to Diff 543967.
Michael137 marked an inline comment as not done.
Michael137 added a comment.

- Update unit-tests
- Expand function docs

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/unittests/SymbolFile/DWARF/XcodeSDKModuleTests.cpp
--- lldb/unittests/SymbolFile/DWARF/XcodeSDKModuleTests.cpp
+++ lldb/unittests/SymbolFile/DWARF/XcodeSDKModuleTests.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h"
 #include "TestingSupport/Symbol/YAMLModuleTester.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -72,4 +73,181 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(sdk.GetType(), XcodeSDK::Type::MacOSX);
   ASSERT_EQ(module->GetSourceMappingList().GetSize(), 1u);
+TEST_F(XcodeSDKModuleTests, TestSDKPathFromDebugInfo_InternalAndPublicSDK) {
+  // Tests that we can parse the SDK path from debug-info.
+  // In the presence of multiple compile units, one of which
+  // points to an internal SDK, we should pick the internal SDK.
+  const char *yamldata = R"(
+--- !ELF
+  Class:   ELFCLASS64
+  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:    ET_EXEC
+  Machine: EM_386
+  debug_abbrev:
+    - Table:
+        - Code:            0x00000001
+          Tag:             DW_TAG_compile_unit
+          Children:        DW_CHILDREN_no
+          Attributes:
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_language
+              Form:            DW_FORM_data2
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_APPLE_sdk
+              Form:            DW_FORM_string
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_LLVM_sysroot
+              Form:            DW_FORM_string
+  debug_info:
+    - Version:         2
+      AddrSize:        8
+      AbbrevTableID:   0
+      AbbrOffset:      0x0
+      Entries:
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000001
+          Values:
+            - Value:       0x000000000000000C
+            - CStr:        "MacOSX10.9.sdk"
+            - CStr:        "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk"
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000000
+    - Version:         2
+      AddrSize:        8
+      AbbrevTableID:   0
+      AbbrOffset:      0x0
+      Entries:
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000001
+          Values:
+            - Value:       0x0000000000000010
+            - CStr:        "something.invalid.sdk"
+            - CStr:        "/invalid/path/to/something.invalid.sdk"
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000000
+    - Version:         2
+      AddrSize:        8
+      AbbrevTableID:   0
+      AbbrOffset:      0x0
+      Entries:
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000001
+          Values:
+            - Value:       0x0000000000000010
+            - CStr:        "iPhoneOS14.0.Internal.sdk"
+            - CStr:        "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/iPhoneOS14.0.Internal.sdk"
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000000
+    - Version:         2
+      AddrSize:        8
+      AbbrevTableID:   0
+      AbbrOffset:      0x0
+      Entries:
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000001
+          Values:
+            - Value:       0x000000000000000C
+            - CStr:        "MacOSX10.9.sdk"
+            - CStr:        "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk"
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000000
+  YAMLModuleTester t(yamldata);
+  DWARFUnit *dwarf_unit = t.GetDwarfUnit();
+  auto *dwarf_cu = llvm::cast<DWARFCompileUnit>(dwarf_unit);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(static_cast<bool>(dwarf_cu));
+  SymbolFileDWARF &sym_file = dwarf_cu->GetSymbolFileDWARF();
+  ASSERT_EQ(sym_file.GetNumCompileUnits(), 4U);
+  ModuleSP module = t.GetModule();
+  ASSERT_NE(module, nullptr);
+  auto sdk_or_err = PlatformDarwin::GetSDKPathFromDebugInfo(*module);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(static_cast<bool>(sdk_or_err));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(sdk_or_err->IsAppleInternalSDK());
+  ASSERT_NE(sdk_or_err->GetString().find("Internal.sdk"), std::string::npos);
+TEST_F(XcodeSDKModuleTests, TestSDKPathFromDebugInfo_InvalidSDKPath) {
+  // Tests that parsing a CU with an invalid SDK directory name fails.
+  const char *yamldata = R"(
+--- !ELF
+  Class:   ELFCLASS64
+  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:    ET_EXEC
+  Machine: EM_386
+  debug_abbrev:
+    - Table:
+        - Code:            0x00000001
+          Tag:             DW_TAG_compile_unit
+          Children:        DW_CHILDREN_no
+          Attributes:
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_language
+              Form:            DW_FORM_data2
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_APPLE_sdk
+              Form:            DW_FORM_string
+  debug_info:
+    - Version:         2
+      AddrSize:        8
+      AbbrevTableID:   0
+      AbbrOffset:      0x0
+      Entries:
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000001
+          Values:
+            - Value:       0x000000000000000C
+            - CStr:        "1abc@defgh2"
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000000
+  YAMLModuleTester t(yamldata);
+  ModuleSP module = t.GetModule();
+  ASSERT_NE(module, nullptr);
+  auto path_or_err = PlatformDarwin::ResolveSDKPathFromDebugInfo(*module);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast<bool>(path_or_err));
+  llvm::consumeError(path_or_err.takeError());
+TEST_F(XcodeSDKModuleTests, TestSDKPathFromDebugInfo_No_DW_AT_APPLE_sdk) {
+  // Tests that parsing a CU without a DW_AT_APPLE_sdk fails.
+  const char *yamldata = R"(
+--- !ELF
+  Class:   ELFCLASS64
+  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:    ET_EXEC
+  Machine: EM_386
+  debug_abbrev:
+    - Table:
+        - Code:            0x00000001
+          Tag:             DW_TAG_compile_unit
+          Children:        DW_CHILDREN_no
+          Attributes:
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_language
+              Form:            DW_FORM_data2
+            - Attribute:       DW_AT_LLVM_sysroot
+              Form:            DW_FORM_string
+  debug_info:
+    - Version:         2
+      AddrSize:        8
+      AbbrevTableID:   0
+      AbbrOffset:      0x0
+      Entries:
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000001
+          Values:
+            - Value:       0x000000000000000C
+            - CStr:        "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/iPhoneOS14.0.Internal.sdk"
+        - AbbrCode:        0x00000000
+  YAMLModuleTester t(yamldata);
+  ModuleSP module = t.GetModule();
+  ASSERT_NE(module, nullptr);
+  auto path_or_err = PlatformDarwin::ResolveSDKPathFromDebugInfo(*module);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast<bool>(path_or_err));
+  llvm::consumeError(path_or_err.takeError());
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwin.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwin.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwin.h
@@ -124,6 +124,29 @@
   /// located in.
   static FileSpec GetCurrentCommandLineToolsDirectory();
+  /// Search each CU associated with the specified 'module' for
+  /// the SDK paths the CUs were compiled against. In the presence
+  /// of different SDKs, we try to pick the most appropriate one
+  /// using \ref XcodeSDK::Merge.
+  ///
+  /// \param[in] module Module whose debug-info CUs to parse for
+  ///                   which SDK they were compiled against.
+  ///
+  /// \returns If successful, returns a parsed XcodeSDK object.
+  static llvm::Expected<XcodeSDK> GetSDKPathFromDebugInfo(Module &module);
+  /// Returns the full path of the most appropriate SDK for the
+  /// specified 'module'. This function gets this path by parsing
+  /// debug-info (see \ref `GetSDKPathFromDebugInfo`).
+  ///
+  /// \param[in] module Module whose debug-info to parse for
+  ///                   which SDK it was compiled against.
+  ///
+  /// \returns If successful, returns the full path to an
+  ///          Xcode SDK.
+  static llvm::Expected<std::string>
+  ResolveSDKPathFromDebugInfo(Module &module);
   static const char *GetCompatibleArch(ArchSpec::Core core, size_t idx);
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwin.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwin.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwin.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/Timer.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Threading.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
@@ -1095,8 +1096,21 @@
   FileSpec sysroot_spec;
-  // Scope for mutex locker below
-  {
+  if (target) {
+    if (ModuleSP exe_module_sp = target->GetExecutableModule()) {
+      auto path_or_err = ResolveSDKPathFromDebugInfo(*exe_module_sp);
+      if (path_or_err) {
+        sysroot_spec = FileSpec(*path_or_err);
+      } else {
+        LLDB_LOG_ERROR(GetLog(LLDBLog::Types | LLDBLog::Host),
+                       path_or_err.takeError(),
+                       "Failed to resolve SDK path: {0}");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!FileSystem::Instance().IsDirectory(sysroot_spec.GetPath())) {
     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_mutex);
     sysroot_spec = GetSDKDirectoryForModules(sdk_type);
@@ -1335,3 +1349,41 @@
 #endif // __APPLE__
+PlatformDarwin::GetSDKPathFromDebugInfo(Module &module) {
+  SymbolFile *sym_file = module.GetSymbolFile();
+  if (!sym_file)
+    return llvm::createStringError(
+        llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
+        llvm::formatv("No symbol file available for module '{0}'",
+                      module.GetFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString("")));
+  XcodeSDK sdk;
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < sym_file->GetNumCompileUnits(); ++i)
+    if (auto cu_sp = sym_file->GetCompileUnitAtIndex(i))
+      sdk.Merge(sym_file->ParseXcodeSDK(*cu_sp));
+  return sdk;
+PlatformDarwin::ResolveSDKPathFromDebugInfo(Module &module) {
+  auto sdk_or_err = GetSDKPathFromDebugInfo(module);
+  if (!sdk_or_err)
+    return llvm::createStringError(
+        llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
+        llvm::formatv("Failed to parse SDK path from debug-info: {0}",
+                      llvm::toString(sdk_or_err.takeError())));
+  auto path_or_err =
+      HostInfo::GetSDKRoot(HostInfo::SDKOptions{std::move(*sdk_or_err)});
+  if (!path_or_err)
+    return llvm::createStringError(
+        llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
+        llvm::formatv("Error while searching for SDK (XcodeSDK '{0}'): {1}",
+                      sdk_or_err->GetString(),
+                      llvm::toString(path_or_err.takeError())));
+  return path_or_err->str();
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