One thing I want to make sure we can do is have a sane way of storing and
running tests that  test the test execution engine.  Those are tests that
should not run as part of an "lldb test run".  These are tests that
maintainers of the test system run to make sure we're not breaking stuff
when we touch the test system.

I would be writing more of those if I had a semi-sane way of doing it.
 (Part of the reason I broke out the python-based timeout logic the way I
did, before the major packaging changes, was so I had an obvious spot to
add tests for the process runner logic).

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Todd Fiala <> wrote:

> I like it.
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Zachary Turner <>
> wrote:
>> Yea wasn't planning on doing this today, just throwing the idea out there.
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 9:35 AM Todd Fiala <> wrote:
>>> I'm fine with the idea.
>>> FWIW the test events model will likely shift a bit, as it is currently a
>>> single sink, whereas I am likely to turn it into a test event filter chain
>>> shortly here.  Formatters still make sense as they'll be the things at the
>>> end of the chain.
>>> Minor detail, should be - they
>>> are ResultsFormatter instances (plural on Results since it transforms a
>>> series of results into coherent reported output).  I'll rename that at some
>>> point in the near future, but if you shift a number of things around, you
>>> can do that.
>>> I'm just about done with the multi-pass running.  I expect to get an
>>> opt-in version of that running end of day today or worst case on Sunday.
>>> It would be awesome if you can hold off on any significant change like that
>>> until this little bit is done as I'm sure we'll collide, particularly since
>>> this hits pretty significantly.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Todd
>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Pavel Labath via lldb-dev <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Sounds like a reasonable thing to do. A couple of tiny remarks:
>>>> - when you do the move, you might as well rename dotest into something
>>>> else, just to avoid the "which dotest should I run" type of
>>>> questions...
>>>> - there is nothing that makes it obvious that "engine" is actually a
>>>> "test running engine", as it sits in a sibling folder. OTOH,
>>>> "test_engine" might be too verbose, and messes up tab completion, so
>>>> that might not be a good idea either...
>>>> pl
>>>> On 10 December 2015 at 23:30, Zachary Turner via lldb-dev
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> > Currently our folder structure looks like this:
>>>> >
>>>> > lldbsuite
>>>> > |-- test
>>>> >     |--
>>>> >     |--
>>>> >     |--
>>>> >     |-- ...
>>>> >     |-- functionalities
>>>> >     |-- lang
>>>> >     |-- expression_command
>>>> >     |-- ...
>>>> > etc
>>>> >
>>>> > I've been thinking about organizing it like this instead:
>>>> >
>>>> > lldbsuite
>>>> > |-- test
>>>> >     |-- functionalities
>>>> >     |-- lang
>>>> >     |-- expression_command
>>>> >     |-- ...
>>>> > |-- engine
>>>> >     |--
>>>> >     |--
>>>> >     |--
>>>> >     |-- ...
>>>> >
>>>> > Anybody have any thoughts on this?  Good idea or bad idea?  The main
>>>> reason
>>>> > I want to do this is because as we start breaking up some of the
>>>> code, it
>>>> > makes sense to start having some subpackages under the `engine`
>>>> folder (or
>>>> > the `test` folder in our current world).  For example, Todd and I have
>>>> > discussed the idea of putting formatter related stuff under a
>>>> `formatters`
>>>> > subpackage.  In the current world, there's no way to differentiate
>>>> between
>>>> > folders which contain tests and folders which contain test
>>>> infrastructure,
>>>> > so when we walk the directory tree looking for tests we end up
>>>> walking a
>>>> > bunch of directories that are used for test infrastructure code and
>>>> not
>>>> > actual tests.  So I like the logical separation this provides --
>>>> having the
>>>> > tests themselves all under a single subpackage.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thoughts?
>>>> >
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>>> --
>>> -Todd
> --
> -Todd

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