> On Feb 23, 2018, at 3:17 PM, Vedant Kumar via lldb-dev 
> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> At the moment, I'm seeing two issues with the unit tests on my machine.
> First, TestBase.LaunchModePreservesEnvironment is failing:
>> [ RUN      ] TestBase.LaunchModePreservesEnvironment
>> /Users/vsk/src/llvm.org-lldbsan/llvm/tools/lldb/unittests/tools/lldb-server/tests/LLGSTest.cpp:30:
>>  Failure
>> Value of: 
>> llvm::detail::TakeExpected(Client.GetLatestStopReplyAs<StopReplyExit>())
>> Expected: succeeded with value (is an object whose given property is equal 
>> to 2-byte object <00-00>)
>>  Actual: succeeded with value 16-byte object <10-60 A7-04 01-00 00-00 01-00 
>> 00-00 00-00 00-30>, whose given property is 2-byte object <00-01>(is an 
>> object whose given property isn't equal to 2-byte object <00-00>)
>> [  FAILED  ] TestBase.LaunchModePreservesEnvironment (67 ms)
> I filed https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36494 to track the issue.

^ This issue is resolved now with a cmake fix.

> Second, TestClient::SendMessage is generating quite a lot of "INFO" output 
> which clutters up the terminal. Pavel, would you mind if I removed this 
> logging?

^ I'll let Pavel decide the best way to deal with this one.


> thanks,
> vedant
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