
I was on vacation and went through this mail thread just now.
I wasn't sure where to inject my comments hence I am providing them at
the top for clarity.

1). I am not a huge fan of the idea of starting a timer to perform the
SA delete since calculating this timer's timeout will be an issue and
will depend upon the network load at the specific time.
2). I get the feeling that this discussion is moving towards the
earlier proposal from Dmitry to introduce a dummy packet to inform the
application of the last packet which has been processed by this SA.
correct me if I am wrong
3). I would really appreciate if you can summarize the discussion in
form of a PR or RFC patch so we can debate on the exact changes for
this proposal.

Further comments inline...


On 18 October 2017 at 20:29, Bill Fischofer <bill.fischo...@linaro.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 7:38 AM, Pascal Van Leeuwen <
> pvanleeu...@insidesecure.com> wrote:
>> Bill,
>> I realize the complexity of coming with an abstraction that would suit all
>> possible (existing) implementations. Therefore, I am completely open to
>> making changes/improvements to our own implementation where this makes
>> sense and can be done without completely reinventing the architecture
>> (obviously).
>> However, since I don’t have any knowledge regarding other implementations,
>> I can only comment on what would work for ours, with some changes on our
>> side.
>> The problem with removing an SA from the lookup table immediately when
>> odp_ipsec_disable() is called for our hardware would be that this lookup
>> table is managed by software, completely asynchronously to our hardware. So
>> you still have no way of knowing which packet that is already in the
>> hardware (prior to the lookup stage) or already waiting to be fetched in an
>> external ring buffer would be found and which packet would no longer be
>> found.
>> That's the reason why odp_ipsec_sa_disable() exists. It's assumed that
>> there are some number of packets in flight that are in various stages of
>> processing at the time of the call. From the application's perspective, the
>> only packets that matter are those packets in the RX pipeline that the
>> application has yet to see. Once a packet has been seen by the application
>> it becomes the application's responsibility to track/account for it in
>> deciding when it's safe to call odp_ipsec_sa_destroy().
>> The TX side is simple because the application initiates TX via the
>> odp_ipsec_out_inline() API. So it's the application's responsibility to not
>> make further calls to that API once it calls odp_ipsec_sa_disable(). So we
>> only really need extra support from the ODP implementation on the RX side
>> to account for packets that the application doesn't yet know about.
>> Yes, I was talking about the RX side only because ODP does not actually
>> support lookups by the IPsec HW for outbound (TX) operations (our HW does,
>> by the way).
> That's good to know. I can see that capability being added to the API at
> some point. You might want to make some suggestions for that.
>> It makes sense that an application explicitly disabling a TX SA would not
>> send anymore packets for that specific SA. I guess that’s the easy side
>> then J
>> I actually liked the idea of a **single** SA disable event being sent to
>> the hardware, in our specific case by means of a dummy packet. This would
>> allow us to mark the SA as being disabled and any packets behind it in the
>> queue would see that and respond with some “SA already expired” error code.
>> (actually, we could also automagically mark the SA disabled once we detect
>> some preprogrammed packet count/octet count/timestamp threshold has been
>> exceeded – or just provide some status code on the output for that)
>> For our single pipe engines, that process everything strictly in-order,
>> this would be fully deterministic. For our multi-pipe engines, there would
>> still be some indeterminism due to packets being able to pass each other
>> through different pipes, but at least it would be fairly limited. Either
>> way, this indeterminism needs to be taken into account somehow.

Since you mention about multi-pipe engines, the ODP API specifies that
the packet received in the queue should maintain packet order per SA.
Hence you should process packets belonging to a single SA in a single
pipe else implement some mechanism in your implementation to make sure
that packet belonging to a single SA maintain packet order.

Do you have any issue in your HW to maintain packet order per SA?

>> If I understand this approach, odp_ipsec_sa_disable() would operate by
>> injecting a special "disable" packet via a loopback interface or similar
>> into the RX packet stream.
>> I don’t know enough about the ODP API (yet) to comment on ODP specifics.
>> For our hardware, the packet would have to be injected into the input
>> /packet/ ring buffer (the same one used for normal processing), basically
>> at the exact point in time where you would want to stop allowing newly
>> arriving packets from using the SA.
> That's one of the effects of odp_ipsec_sa_disable(), after that call no
> further packets should be accepted for processing on this SA. They are
> treated as an SA lookup failure.
>> This would serve both to initiate the disable as well as to serve as the
>> status event that indicates that the RX pipeline has been flushed. That
>> would certainly be a valid implementation of the currently-defined disable
>> semantics.
>> When you refer to "multi-pipe engines" presumably that means you have two
>> or more IPsec HW blocks operating in parallel that are fed by the RX queues.
>> Actually it’s one IPsec hardware block scheduling packets from potentially
>> a single input queue, using potentially a single shared SA, over multiple
>> processing pipelines while maintaining proper sequence numbering/checking.
>> Can operations from the same SA be in two different blocks at the same
>> time?
>> Yes! This is one of our major selling points: we can process a single SA
>> over multiple processing pipes, allowing us to achieve very high single SA
>> throughput.
> ODP uses ordered queues and locks to achieve the same by allowing multiple
> cores to work on a single flow in parallel. It's a useful abstraction.
>> Since IPsec operations assume sequentiality I'd assume either there would
>> be some sort of interlock to prevent that or else there is inter-block
>> coordination to assure that things like sequence numbers are handled
>> properly.
>> We are purposely not interlocking our pipes as that would kill performance
>> when processing a mix of packets with a large delta in packet size (e.g.
>> IMIX).
>> So we indeed have some coordination hardware between the processing pipes
>> to handle sequence numbers properly.
>> Then, once the status result of the SA disable event has been seen at the
>> output of our engine, the SA could finally be removed from the lookup
>> table. And some time after that – I guess you would need some kind of
>> time-out for that, as our hardware still needs it until all pending packets
>> have passed the lookup stage – it could finally be destroyed and removed
>> from memory.
>> The question of lookup table vs. back-end processing and result queueing
>> is an interesting one. Can an SA be removed/deactivated from lookup without
>> also unhooking it from the rest of the IPsec processing machinery?
>> I guess so. Removing the entry from the lookup table would just prevent it
>> from being found. Any packets already past the lookup stage would still be
>> able to use it as long as the SA data still exists in external memory. The
>> problem is that you don’t really know which packets live where in the pipe
>> at the time of removing the entry from the table.
> That's OK, as long as lookup is done once and the results of that lookup
> are carried with the packet as it works its way through the pipeline. Any
> packet that makes it past lookup before the disable call removes the SA
> from lookup processing should be handled normally.
>> So you don’t really know which packets that have already been enqueued
>> would end up not finding the SA because it was removed from the table while
>> they were waiting to be processed.
> If the lookup is done multiple times during the course of packet processing
> that would be a problem. In that case your special "disable packet" marker
> would serve the same purpose as any packets seen after it would be
> discarded.
>> Having an explicit SA disable event travelling /together/ with the packet
>> stream would give you better control over that. If you need that at all,
>> that is.
>> Our current disable semantics assume that it can. If that's not possible
>> then I can see where that would cause issues in trying to map these
>> semantics to HW.
>> Another approach would be to handle this as the SA queue level rather than
>> the SA itself. The SA completion queue contains packets that have completed
>> RX input processing and are ready for the application to see. However,
>> until the application sees them it's indistinguishable where the packets
>> are between the wire and this queue, so simply flushing the queue and
>> pretending that all of these unseen packets were still on the wire and had
>> not yet arrived at the time odp_ipsec_sa_disable(0 was called is also
>> legitimate.
>> Hmm … but if you flush that queue you would lose the packets? I guess with
>> ethernet & IP not supposed to be reliable protocols that is sort of legal,
>> and I suppose SA disables should not happen all too frequently, but it
>> still seems to be a bit ugly to me.
> It's perfectly fine to drop packets for good reason. Since SA disables (for
> tunnels, at least) are relatively rare events this should have no
> meaningful impact on overall operation or performance. For "short session"
> SAs, where an SA exists to handle only a single burst of packets, chances
> are the higher-level protocol will signal completion and the
> disable/destroy will be happening on an empty pipeline anyway, so there
> will be nothing to discard.
>> Regards,
>> Pascal
>> [image:
>> http://medias.infostrates.fr/b2c/insidesecure/signatureMail/inside-logo-signature.jpg]
>> *Pascal van Leeuwen*
>> Senior IC Design Engineer
>> Tel. : +31 (0)73 65 81 900
>> www.insidesecure.com
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>> *From:* Bill Fischofer [mailto:bill.fischo...@linaro.org]
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:36 AM
>> *To:* lng-odp-forward <lng-odp@lists.linaro.org>; Pascal Van Leeuwen <
>> pvanleeu...@insidesecure.com>
>> *Subject:* Latest odp_ipsec_sa_disable() discussion and proposed
>> resolution
>> We discussed this during the ODP public call today and had the benefit of
>> Pascal Van Leeuwen's participation. Pascal is a HW guy and explained some
>> of the issues that HW IPsec support faces.
>> HW recognizes an active SA by it being in a HW lookup table. From an ODP
>> implementation perspective, odp_ipsec_sa_create() allocates an SA,
>> initializes it, and inserts it into the lookup table to activate it. The
>> question is how is the SA removed from the lookup table. There are two
>> possible approaches.
>> 1. It can be removed by odp_ipsec_sa_disable()
>> 2. It can be removed by odp_ipsec_sa_destroy()
>> The suggestion is that it be removed by odp_ipsec_sa_disable(). This
>> accomplishes the goal of ensuring that no further inbound IPsec packets are
>> recognized as belonging to this SA (they will appear on the pktio default
>> queue and/or passed to the classifier for processing as-is).
>> However, at the time odp_ipsec_sa_disable() is called, there may be one or
>> more IPsec packets from that SA in process. In general, this processing may
>> be carried out in parallel and the order in which packets exit the IPsec HW
>> may not be determinate. Some implementations may be able to determine
>> directly when these packets belonging to this SA have cleared the various
>> IPsec HW blocks and have reached the SA queue. However absent such ability
>> each implementation should be able to determine a maximum wait time after
>> which it can be assured that any in-progress IPsec packet has completed
>> whatever HW processing might have been in progress at the time
>> odp_ipsec_sa_disable() was called.
>> This leads to the following suggested implementation logic, which adheres
>> to the original odp_ipsec_sa_disable() semantics:
>> - Upon receiving the odp_ipsec_sa_disable() call, remove the SA from any
>> HW lookup table(s)
>> - Set an internal timer (implementation dependent) sufficient to allow all
>> in-flight IPsec HW operations to complete.
>> - Return 0 to indicate disable is in progress
>> At this point no further inbound IPsec packets for this SA will be
>> recognized and any that are on the queue associated with the SA will be
>> processed by the application. This queue may or may not drain completely by
>> the time the implementation-internal disable timer expires, but we can be
>> sure that any in-flight IPsec packets are at least on this queue.
>> When the internal timer expires, the implementation has two choices.
>> - If it is able to add elements to the SA queue, it can add an
>> ODP_EVENT_IPSEC_STATUS event to signal disable completion.
>> - If it is unable to add elements to the SA queue, it can set internal
>> metadata associated with the SA queue such that odp_queue_deq() or the
>> scheduler will recognize that this "empty" queue needs to report a
>> pseudo-status event. This can then be created and returned in response to
>> this call and the associated internal queue metadata cleared.
>> This combination of actions should result in the current
>> odp_ipsec_sa_disable() semantics being realized.
>> The implementation has broad flexibility in how this may be done. For
>> example, a software "shadow queue" could be created that has priority
>> strictly lower than the main SA queue such that it will never be examined
>> if the SA queue contains any elements. Upon timer expiration the required
>> status event could be added to this shadow queue such that it will only be
>> dequeued after the SA queue is empty. The shadow queue would also have the
>> property that it would report the same queue identity as its SA "parent"
>> (the shadow being invisible to application SW) and thus serves only to work
>> around cases where SW cannot add elements directly to the HW SA queue.
>> I'd appreciate if those with direct knowledge of HW IPsec implementations
>> could comment on whether this sort of approach is feasible on their
>> platforms.

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