Petri Savolainen(psavol) replied on github web page:

@@ -107,6 +108,55 @@ typedef union odp_cls_pmr_terms_t {
        uint64_t all_bits;
 } odp_cls_pmr_terms_t;
+/** Random Early Detection (RED)
+ * Random Early Detection is enabled to initiate a drop probability
+ * for the incoming packet when the packets in the queue/pool reaches
+ * a specified threshold.
+ * When RED is enabled for a particular flow then further incoming
+ * packets are assigned a drop probability based on the size of the
+ * pool/queue and the drop probability becomes 100% when the queue/pool
+ * is full.
+ * RED is logically configured in the CoS and could be implemented
+ * in either pool or queue linked to the CoS depending on
+ * platform capabilities. Application should make sure not to link
+ * multiple CoS with different RED or BP configuration to the same queue
+ * or pool.
+ * RED is enabled when the resource limit is equal to or greater than
+ * the maximum threshold value and is disabled when resource limit
+ * is less than or equal to minimum threshold value. */
+typedef struct odp_red_param_t {
+       /** A boolean to enable RED
+        * When true, RED is enabled and configured with RED parameters.
+        * Otherwise, RED parameters are ignored. */
+       odp_bool_t red_enable;
+       /** Threshold parameters for RED
+        * RED is enabled when the resource limit is equal to or greater than
+        * the maximum threshold value and is disabled when resource limit
+        * is less than or equal to minimum threshold value. */
+       odp_threshold_t red_threshold;

red_ prefix can be dropped from the struct field names. When red param is used, 
the name of the variable is likely red or red_param, etc. So, after removing 
the prefix it looks like this

red.enable = 1;
red.threshold.packets.min = 1000;


red.red_enable = 1;

> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
> "Reaches between" is not valid since drop probability is defined also when 
> <min and >max. "... when the packets in the queue/pool reaches between the 
> specified threshold." -> "... when the packets in the queue/pool cross 
> specified threshold values."
> The "resource limit" needs to be specified: is it free or used space? Or is 
> it different for pools and queues: free space in a pool, used space in a 
> queue? May be the text is easier to understand with a bullet list:
> * drop probability is 100%, when resource usage > threshold.max
> * drop probability is 0%, when resource usage < threshold.min
> * drop probability is between 0 ... 100%, when resource usage is between 
> threshold.min and threshold.max
> ... and then define what "resource usage" means. Pools: space used, queues 
> packet/bytes in queue

>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>> This should match the type enum: byte. Also better description is needed: 
>> e.g. "Sum of all data bytes of all packets". Packet size does not tell if 
>> it's the size of one or many packets.

>>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>>> This should match the type enum: packet

>>>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>>>> When percent is not abbreviated, then this should not be either. So, 
>>>> _PERCENT and _PACKET, or PCT and PKT.

>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>> As we discussed during today's ARCH call. `max` and `min` can be renamed 
>>>>> `start` and `stop` to more accurately reflect the actions. RED / 
>>>>> backpressure begins when utilization hits the `start` threshold and is 
>>>>> deasserted when utilization drops back to the `stop` threshold. So 
>>>>> `start` >= `stop`.  If the two are equal it means there is no hysteresis.
>>>>> The question arises whether a third `max` threshold value should exist at 
>>>>> which drops / backpressure is held at 100%. The idea here is to reserve a 
>>>>> portion of the pool/queue resource for application use independent of use 
>>>>> by PktIOs. Since this may not be feasible in all implementations this 
>>>>> should probably be advertised with additional capability info.

>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>> I can move the typedef here.
>>>>>> Not sure if I understand the need to move to uint32_t, I have only 
>>>>>> defined 100% as 10,000 and we should be fine with uin16_t. Any other 
>>>>>> specific reason for using uint32_t?

>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>> The drop probability is 100% only when the pool is completely full i.e 
>>>>>>> there is no further buffer to allocate packet. The intention of this 
>>>>>>> description is that when resource usage is greater than threshold.max 
>>>>>>> then the drop probability is enabled and packets will get dropped on an 
>>>>>>> increasing drop probability and when it is less than min threshold then 
>>>>>>> drop probability is disabled.

>>>>>>>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>>>>>>>> I think it should be:
>>>>>>>>     * drop probability == 100%, when resource usage > threshold.max
>>>>>>>>     * drop probability == 0%, when resource usage < threshold.min
>>>>>>>>     * drop probability between 0 ... 100%, when resource usage between 
>>>>>>>> min and max
>>>>>>>> Now the text describe min/max as hysteresis: > max enables, < min 
>>>>>>>> disables. Which is not the intention, I guess.

>>>>>>>>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Another option for enums: ODP_THRESHOLD_PCT, ODP_THRESHOLD_PKT, 

>>>>>>>>>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> the enum: odp_threshold_type_t
>>>>>>>>>> the bitfield: odp_threshold_types_t
>>>>>>>>>> The enum values need to be UPPERCASE and contain a common prefix: 
>>>>>>>>>> If bitfield is only needed in one place (one capability struct) it 
>>>>>>>>>> could be defined there only (no typedef needed).

>>>>>>>>>>> Petri Savolainen(psavol) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Since API specifies already what odp_percent_t is, it's better do 
>>>>>>>>>>> also the typedef here. Also the documentation should say that it's 
>>>>>>>>>>> _unsigned_ integer. May be uint32_t is safer choice than uint16_t, 
>>>>>>>>>>> so that percent calculations do not easily wrap around. 

>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Done.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have followed the syntax existing in api-next. If 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ABI changes are merged first I will change my patch to match the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifications. If my patch gets merged first, change this as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> part of your ABI spec.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We shouldn't leave fields undefined in the returned 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_cls_capability_t` struct. Either set `threshold_red` and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `threshold_bp` explicitly or just clear the struct to zeros at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the start of this routine.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, `odp_bool_t` exact implementation is not part of the spec, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as it is part of platform ABI. Percent type is just data, so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from my point of view it should not be a part of ABI, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rather be a part of API spec.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They typedef for odp_bool_t is still under 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform/linux-generic directory hence I had this here. I am 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine pushing this to spec/std_types.h but is odp_bool_t going 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be moved later?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @bala-manoharan  @Bill-Fischofer-Linaro In my opinion, let's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just push it into `odp/api/spec/std_types.h`.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oops. Will take care of that in next version.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I felt using a bitfield is more useful in exposing the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform capability whereas using an enum makes more sense 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during configuration. I am open for suggestions along these 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lines.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Back pressure is to indicate the remote peer that there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a network congestion on this particular flow. Whether the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remote peer takes respective action is beyond the scope of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this RFC.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NXP is implementing RED at queue level. Hence I had added 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this based on the feedback from Nikhil.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The previous PR was handling this RED and BP at cos 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level. There were some concerns from NXP since CoS is a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logical entity and application configuration should make 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure that multiple CoS with different RED configuration 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not direct to the same pool or queue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HW implements the RED and BP effectively either at the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pool or the queue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since a pool represents the real bottleneck for resource 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exhausion and packet drop.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  We can discuss further in todays Public call.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balasubramanian Manoharan(bala-manoharan) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The implementation provides preference whether the RED 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and BP are configured either in pool or queue and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide support for which threshold method is supported 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using capability.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe this is sufficient from the implementation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point of view.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adding new files requires updates to the various 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and related autotools. That's why Travis 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is reporting failures since these new files aren't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able to be found / used.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Need to clarify under what conditions RED (and BP) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply to pools. If an application calls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_packet_alloc()` that should either succeed or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fail. "Drop probability" doesn't make any obvious 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense here. Tying these concepts to `odp_pktio_t` 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configurations seems more in keeping with what's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed, but I understand the difficulties that that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused in the previous PR.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps tying this to a `odp_cos_t` might work? An 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_cos_t` has an associated queue and pool and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these can then be viewed as admission controls to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> packets being added to a CoS. That would mean that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these features would only be applicable if the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classifier is being used, but is that a significant 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drawback since we want to encourage its use anyway?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Back pressure in this context presumably means that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_queue_enq()` calls stall until the back 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure is relieved. Not sure if that's what's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really desired for queues in general.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RED for a queue in doesn't seem to make sense for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queues in general. RED is used for admission 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control, which is why it's tied to PktIOs. If an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application calls `odp_queue_enq()` that should 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> either succeed or fail. A "drop probability" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't make sense here. We need to clarify that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow and I'm not sure how that can be done 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without tying the configuration back to an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_pktio_t`.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same comment as for pools. It would seem these 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be individual `odp_support_t` indications.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wouldn't these be better done as individual 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_support_t` configurations? That way 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementations can indicate not just support but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preferences. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've defined what we mean by RED as assigning a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drop probability but what we mean by "back 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure" seems very fuzzy here. This needs to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be more specific if an application is to know 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how to make use of this.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We use `_t` suffixes rather than `_e` for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `enums` so `odp_threshold_type_t` would be more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standard here, but we already have an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_threshold_type_t` defined above. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem seems to be `_t` already implies type, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so "type type" is redundant. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps a better choice is an `odp_threshold_t` 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has an `odp_threshold_metric_t metric` field 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is the enum above. It's not clear how the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_threshold_type_t` bits are intended to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used. Capabilities?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Need Doxygen for each struct and union

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doxygen 1.8.13 requires every element to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documented.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Again this new type should follow the PR 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #250 model.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since we've given conceptual approval to PR 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #250, these changes should be based on that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and this definition would be part of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abi-default/std_types.h.
updated_at 2017-11-20 13:07:56

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