Notice how there is an acquire barrier inside of the CAS loop within the 
enqueue and dequeue functions of:


Well, fwiw we can get rid of them by using stand alone fences:

Btw, sorry for the membar abstraction. I can quickly get sick and tired of 
having to type out (std::memory_order_relaxed) all the damn time. ;^)

Anyway, here is the simple code using Relacy:


/* Membar Abstraction


#define mbrlx std::memory_order_relaxed

#define mbacq std::memory_order_acquire

#define mbrel std::memory_order_release

#define mb(mb_membar) std::atomic_thread_fence(mb_membar) 

template<typename T, unsigned int T_N>

struct fifo


    struct cell


        VAR_T(T) m_data;

        std::atomic<unsigned int> m_ver;


    std::atomic<unsigned int> m_head;

    std::atomic<unsigned int> m_tail;

    cell m_cells[T_N];

    fifo() : m_head(0), m_tail(0)


        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < T_N; ++i)


            m_cells[i], mbrlx);



    bool push_try(T const& data)


        cell* c = nullptr;

        unsigned int ver = m_head.load(mbrlx);



            c = &m_cells[ver & (T_N - 1)];

            if (c->m_ver.load(mbrlx) != ver) return false;

        } while (! m_head.compare_exchange_weak(ver, ver + 1, mbrlx));


        VAR(c->m_data) = data;


        c-> + 1, mbrlx);

        return true;


    bool pop_try(T& data)


        cell* c = nullptr;

        unsigned int ver = m_tail.load(mbrlx);



            c = &m_cells[ver & (T_N - 1)];

            if (c->m_ver.load(mbrlx) != ver + 1) return false;

        } while (! m_tail.compare_exchange_weak(ver, ver + 1, mbrlx));


        data = VAR(c->m_data);


        c-> + T_N, mbrlx);

        return true;




There is no need for any membars within the loops. The version count keeps 
everything in order.



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