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Hi Daniel: Great idea!  Here are some thoughts I dumped in the
#ubuntu-locoteams channel:

> Sorry I missed the meeting on LoCoPortal RSS feeds 
> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t15:00
> I think this is a great idea. Currently the RSS feed for 
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca/ points at a defunct
> website, http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ which we stopped using over two
> years ago.
> It would be good if LoCo Team editors could add arbitrary Atom/RSS 
> feeds (and remove them, too)
> Right now all our chapter leaders are sharing login credentials on 
> http://pix.ie/ubuntuca because it's the only way to publish our 
> pictures on the LoCo portal
> I think if you give responsibility to LoCo contacts to manage
> their Atom/RSS feeds they'll live up to that responsibility, and
> the LoCo Portal will be the better for it

belkinsa said:
> BobJonkman1, maybe you need to wait for the e-mail?

I asked:
> belkinsa: ??? e-mail?

belkinsa said:
> Yup, someone, I think one of the LP people, will send one out to
> the LoCo Contacts list.
> It's in the end of the meeting someone.

> ***BobJonkman(Ubuntu) goes back to the irclogs

and I said:
> belkinsa: OK, I see the reference at 
> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t15:35

belkinsa said:
> But I think doing it here is okay too if someone can chime in. ;)

I thought:
> That sounds like it'll be an announcement after the spec is 
> established and all the work is complete

But belkinsa said:
> Maybe send out an e-mail with your ideas?

...so I did.

- --Bob.

On 20/06/14 09:36 AM, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> a bit short notice, but whoever's interested in joining us for a 
> meeting to discuss how we can add functionality which allows to
> share pictures, news and other bits via the LoCo team portal 
> (loco.ubuntu.com), is invited to do so
> when: today, 15:00 UTC [1] where: #ubuntu-meeting on 
> irc.freenode.net
> At UOS we discussed the idea and felt that it would be great for 
> LoCo teams to share what they've been up to (and are proud of). If 
> this can then easily be shared on Planet Ubuntu, the world, in
> turn, would learn about this (and get inspired) much more easily
> and quickly.
> The purpose of the meeting is going to be to see what's feasible, 
> what's easy to do and how we'd envision it to work
> See you later, Daniel
> [1] 
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140620T1500
Bob Jonkman <bjonk...@sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-669-0388
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
http://bob.jonkman.ca/blogs/    http://sn.jonkman.ca/bobjonkman/
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