I got around to looking at the release process earlier tonight, and I ran
into a few problems.  As part of the release procedure, Maven goes and
attempts to re-build the code, which is using Ant to re-build APR and
APR-util before building log4cxx.  Because of that, I can't (easily) run
through the release procedure at the moment, since we run into the problem
of not using the proper build procedure for APR and APR-util.

I think the solution to this would be to update Maven to call configure.sh
on Linux, and CMake on Windows to do the build procedure.  This should be
able to be automatically done(see this Stackoverflow post for some more
It shouldn't be too hard to do, I think I can do that this weekend.

-Robert Middleton

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 7:39 PM, Robert Middleton <osfan6...@gmail.com>

> I can look more into the release process this week.  It will probably take
> a few days though, although I am traveling later this week so I should have
> some free time then.
> As for the PGP signing, it may be that somebody else would have to sign it
> then.  While I do have a PGP key, it's not associated with any Apache
> projects at the moment.  Moreover, I'm not (currently) a member of the ASF,
> so it seems like a non-starter.  (The only thing that my key is currently
> used for is some projects on Maven central).
> I have a bit of experience with using the maven release plugin though.  In
> general, what it does is create a new tag in SVN and package up the
> soruces.  Looking through the pom.xml and source.xml quickly, it looks like
> what would have to be done is to run autogen.sh, and then run the proper
> maven targets.
> -Robert Middleton
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 8:05 AM, Thorsten Schöning <tschoen...@am-soft.de>
> wrote:
>> Guten Tag Robert Middleton,
>> am Samstag, 23. Juli 2016 um 22:15 schrieben Sie:
>> > Given my quick test, it seems like using CMake for Windows is a
>> > valid solution for building log4cxx, especially since the only
>> > dependencies for log4cxx also use CMake.  Thoughts?
>> Sounds good to me. How to build was discussed before with a favour for
>> CMake, because the current one is based on ANT and uses CppTasks,
>> which still works, but is not maintained anymore. And as both
>> solutions don't support my used compiler at all...
>> But from my point of view, that switch should be done in a branch for
>> another release and the next one should be done with how it is build
>> currently. I guess most users don't use Windows anyway.
>> So, how about the formality of the release process of incubating
>> projects itself? Are you able and willing to have a look into that?
>> From the last time I had a look I know that there's some PGP signing
>> stuff that needs to be done and I currently don't have any PGP keys or
>> am associated with any Apache key for their Web of trust.
>> Additionally, I don't have a clue currently how exactly the files to
>> be released are build and packaged using Maven. There's some release
>> plugin and it should do most of the work, but I didn't try yet.
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
>> Thorsten Schöning
>> --
>> Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail: thorsten.schoen...@am-soft.de
>> AM-SoFT IT-Systeme      http://www.AM-SoFT.de/
>> Telefon...........05151-  9468- 55
>> Fax...............05151-  9468- 88
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