On 2008-09-23 06:16, Peter Steele wrote:
With 0.9.7 your app threw and exception and aborted when the log volume
filled up. Putting a try/catch around the log call prevented the crash.
I put the same try/catch in my wrapper functions and that worked as
well, so that's all there was to it. I like simple solutions.

I am glad it worked out for you. At the same time I am concerned that you had to do this and I didn't. I would like to reproduce the problem so that I can handle it, preferably without putting try/catch around every logging statement...

The only throw I see in Logger is in getEffectiveLevel. The forcedLog method called by the macros gets to callAppenders where in the sample app it should hit a console and a file appender. That does appendLoopOnAppenders to call doAppend, which calls Writer::append, checkEntryConditions and subAppend. On to PatternLayout::format and PatternConverter::format. No throw. Did I follow the wrong chain?

I wonder if the difference might be in our iostreams libraries.

Would you mind debugging the exception and sharing who's throwing it and why?

Thank you,
Jacob Anawalt
Gecko Software, Inc.

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