

Is there a way to undefine *LOG4CXX_CONFIGURATION*override logger options externally?

If I place a log4cxx.properties file next to my executable, I get all sorts of errors from log4cxx. So I assumed it was possible to override initial options, or at least disable logging for my application's scope.

El 19-Feb-15 a las 4:16 PM, Thorsten Schöning escribió:
Guten Tag Sergio Basurco,
am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015 um 15:29 schrieben Sie:

Using LIB in a managed environment does not output the error. It's only
when I use it through my wrapper that this happens. My best guess is
that log4cxx is looking for initialization properties and not finding it.
Read the following paragraph, that's what Log4cxx is doing
automatically. Everything else is up to the LIB and you need to ask
it's maintainer.

Default Initialization Procedure

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Sergio Basurco,
Coherent Synchro

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