On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 08:44, Ceki GÃlcà wrote:
> With the changes I just comitted, I observe a slightly different behavior. 
> The hostname and application name get concatenated in the tabs, which is 
> nice. However, there are cases when I could imagine a developer wanting to 
> put all logging events in the same "application" tab regardless of host.
> So, one might want to organize tabs by host or application or both or none. 
> Could this be a user configurable option?

This is now a configurable option thanks to Scott's latest commit. 

Fantastic!  At the moment the default value for the Tab routing
expression is as before, and stored in the default properties as:

identifierExpression=PROP.hostname - PROP.application

Once you have started and stopped Chainsaw once, it will save this into
your local .chainsaw/chainsaw.settings.properties file.  Right now there
is no GUI to modify this (my job tomorrow).

You can edit this file and try other expressions, try this:


You will get a tab for each Level!   How cool is that.  Store the userID
in the MDC?

identifierExpression=PROP.hostname - PROP.application - MDC.userID

Tab per host/app/user!!

(I think there is some System.out.println stuff still in the code
somewhere so yo might get a bunch of debug output at the moment to the

If I was in Oregon, I would be buying Scott a drink right now.



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