At 11:34 PM 4/3/2007, Curt Arnold wrote:

Unfortunately, log4j 1.3 development proceed for a substantial amount
of time with little concern with compatibility with compatibility
with log4j 1.2 and the primary developer of log4j 1.3 has left for
other projects.  We are left trying to remedy the situation we are
in.  There have definitely been incremental releases in the log4j
1.2.x branch and may continue to be so, but the code is very dated
and extremely difficult to modify without potential compatibility

Little concern with compatibility, that is certainly not correct. My concern is to produce the best library possible within the constraints imposed by the resources available. As such, although important, backward compatibility is not my ultimate yardstick. It is easy to qualify each and every incompatible change as reckless.

Ceki Gülcü
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