Ok gang, mavenization completed I think.

Please grab maven 2.0.4 and install it, and if you use Eclipse, install the Maven Eclipse plugin:


After installing the Maven Eclipse plugin, you can activate the project as a Maven project by doing this in Eclipse:

* Right click on the project
* Team->Maven->Enable (if it's not already enabled)
* Team->Maven->Update Source Folders (even if it is enabled, I've found you sometimes need to do this to 'nudge' the plugin to refresh it's view of things)

You will need to have installed into your local repository the snapshot releases of the log4j-* projects (component, receivers, expression-filter) as well as the log4j 1.2.15 snapshot. The steps involve:

cd <sub-project>
mvn install

Once mvn install works well, you can try 'mvn package' and it will produce:

* target/appassembler/bin/chainsaw shell script and chainsaw.bat batch file which can be used to launch Chainsaw from the command line

If you've got OSX, then try:

mvn package appbundler:bundle

It will produce an OSX distribution sitting in the target directory, together with a .dmg version.

I haven't added to much organizational/scm/reports stuff to the pom as yet, will do that next.

Please let me know if I can help anyone get things started. Maven appears to new people to be huge and complicated (like it did for me), but it's actually quite simple at it heart.

I found this free PDF most valuable reading:



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