On May 21, 2010, at 11:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
>>> 1. I first created an API that had the features I was looking for. That is 
>>> in log4j2-api. While it supports logging a String or an Object it really 
>>> uses a Message interface which is valuable as it allows users to log 
>>> self-describing objects in a convenient manner.
>> My thinking was the message interface would end up so minimal that might as 
>> well just use Object.
> I don't think so. For example, take a look at StructuredDataMessage and 
> LocalizedMessage. Those allow you to do some interesting things. The idea is 
> that it is easy for users to extend without having to muck with the 
> internals. Ceki handled this by creating logback-classis, logback-access and 
> logback-audit. That seemed to me to be a very heavyweight approach to 
> accomplish this.

Definitely will look at, just wanted to let you know my unchallenged 
inclination.  I'm willing to be convinced.

A little off track, there was a long ago thread that wandered between log4j and 
commons logging about localization of logging that came to mind.  Took me a 
while to find it, but the threads of interest are:


>>> 2. I don't like the way Logback binds to the implementation. I used a 
>>> technique I had used in a previous logging framework and used a file to 
>>> define the implementation class. In theory, the API could be modified to 
>>> support multiple logging implementation simultaneously, although I have no 
>>> plans to implement that.
>> Not something that I've thought about.
> Probably not. It just occurred to me that it is possible as I was 
> implementing it but decided it wasn't an itch I needed to scratch at the 
> moment.
>>> 3. Logback suffers from a serious architectural problem that is rooted in 
>>> Log4j. The configured loggers are mixed with the loggers returned from the 
>>> Logger factory. This makes it impossible to reconfigure atomically. With 
>>> Logback the reset method is called on the context which essentially causes 
>>> the system to be in an undefined state until the new configuration is 
>>> completed (log records that should be logged are lost). To solve this I 
>>> used a design that I again borrowed from my previous framework. The 
>>> configuration is separated and on a reconfiguration the new configuration 
>>> will be created and then all the loggers will be updated to use it. While 
>>> there will be a period where some loggers are using the old configuration 
>>> and some the new there is never a point where loggers aren't configured at 
>>> all.
>> I think that is along the line that I was thinking, basically there is an 
>> immutable configuration state object that is swapped out as an atomic 
>> operation with notification to allocated loggers.
> Exactly.
>>> 4. Similar to Logback I added support for Markers and global filters. In 
>>> addition, filters on Loggers are also supported. Unlike Logback, there is 
>>> only a single Filter interface used for global filters, logger filters and 
>>> appender filters.
>> I've never had a clear description of the use cases behind Markers.  As far 
>> as I can gather, it is a specialized case of a user supplied context.  At 
>> the core, I think it would fit into a general user-supplied context object.  
>> MDC and NDC would be part of the thread-supplied context and there'd be a 
>> global context and a call-site context.  In the core, I'd expect the context 
>> parameters to just be Object and let the layout level cast to specific known 
>> interfaces as needed.  During the synchronous extraction phase, an immutable 
>> package would be assembled for from log request parameters and the contexts 
>> based on the needs of the layout's formatting phase.
> I think I'd need to see code to get what you are driving at.  In the code I 
> checked in it does have the MDC & NDC and does have a global context, 
> although I haven't added variables to it yet. It also has the configuration 
> which can also have variables, but probably for a different purpose. I don't 
> know what you mean by "call-site context".  

I was meaning the context that is only valid for the duration of the call, 
essentially the info that you'd get from new Throwable().getStackTrace().

> The value of Markers is that they are fast and easy to filter on. I use them 
> for Entry and Exit so that you can easily filter them out (admittedly this 
> can also be done via the TRACE level) as well as catching and throwing. In 
> addition, I also use a Marker to identify audit events. Anything with that 
> Marker will always be logged.

Still seems like a specialized user context object to me.  Don't know if there 
is a user-supplied context object outside of it.  Will need to take a look.
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