Ceki has already answered, and I myself haven't heard of nor experienced
memory leaks.  We have had large, long-lived servers use log4j with many
Loggers and several appenders, never had any problems.  However, I'm
curious about something else in your question, and this may make this
thread OFF-TOPIC ;)

>my company. the out of memory condition generally seems to have
>occurred when the application was made to process a lot of SNMP traps
>in a very brief period of time. the same memory condition does not
>occur when logging is turned off though. that application uses the
>console and file appenders.

So you have an app that uses log4j's File and Console appenders only,
not SNMPAppender, yet the out of memory condition occurs when there's a
lot of SNMP processing going on?

Did you run it with a profiler to see what's happening?  Alternatively,
did you try increasing the max memory a little to see if maybe those
"lot of SNMP traps" require more memory naturally?  An OutOfMemoryError
does not always indicate a memory leak.


Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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