On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 01:03, Larry Young wrote:
> Paul,
>          Actually, based on our conversation back in August, it works out 
> better if you put the "trace" at the front of the class name, that way you 
> still can specify package names and get everything underneath it, and you 
> can also turn on tracing without a package or class name.  For example, 
> 'trace.com.acme.utils' would turn on tracing for all classes under the 
> utils package.  That's a bit harder to do with 'trace' at the end.

Thanks for refreshing my memory Larry, as I was writing it I tried to
remember our conversation, and got myself muddled.  Must be lack of

I am excited by the new Domain concept that Ceki is developing, sounds
like it will solve a large number of logging issues.


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