Not sure that I understand your use case, so let me give a concrete example of 
how I use loggers. 

At work I have a component that is responsible for handling marketdata. 
This component has two loggers: one that uses the component class name as its 
name, another called "RAW_FEED". The first logs stuff about initialization and 
for example when another component subscribes to market data. The second 
(RAW_FEED) one logs every market data event as it comes off the wire to a 
separate file (via a separate appender). 

This allows us to switch the RAW_FEED off on some systems and on on others. 

I suggest you simply do what achieves your goals. If there are multiple options 
then choose the one that is easiest for your team to maintain. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 2015/09/01, at 7:07, Nicholas Duane <> wrote:
> All sounds reasonable to me.  I'm not sure any of the statements you made go 
> against anything I have stated.  Please let me know if you think otherwise.
> In your authentication module, you log all levels through its logger, right?  
> You don't use separate loggers to log different levels do you?
> Thanks,
> Nick
>> Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 15:02:09 -0700
>> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
>> From:
>> To:
>> I think of levels as "how important is this" and "who needs to know this".
>> Some of the art of logging is deciding who you audience is. To help your
>> development team chase down a bug, you want to make sure that the app logs
>> interesting events at the DEBUG and TRACE level. This is different that
>> "what it is I am telling this audience", which is where I use loggers. To
>> tell who comes in and out of the system, I have logging in the
>> authentication module. To tell what kind of SQL goes to the database, I
>> have DEBUG logging in my DB interface code.
>> I think that once you start chasing down issues and bugs, and writing code
>> to help you do that, then it might become more obvious, as to what to do.
>> Gary
>>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Nicholas Duane <> wrote:
>>> I did look through a bit of documentation on markers:
>>> My initial impression is that I don't want to use markers.  What I'd like
>>> to be able to say is:
>>> "log the way you have been logging in the past.  You don't need to know
>>> about any special loggers.  Use your own.  Here is a new level for our new
>>> type of "event".  Use that to log this new event."
>>> I guess I'm not understanding your vernacular in terms of levels.  In my
>>> mind the different levels also define different "types" of events.  For
>>> instance, DEBUG and less specific I would see as tracing type events which
>>> are non-functional in nature.  They are purely for understanding the call
>>> flow, or for performance gathering, or detailed diagnosis.  Those could be
>>> turned off totally without having much impact on system management.  The
>>> same can't be said for FATAL to INFO.  These levels should always be on so
>>> that you can properly manage the system.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nick
>>>> Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 08:37:25 -0700
>>>> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
>>>> From:
>>>> To:
>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>> Creating a single new level is seldom the right solution IMO. It's not
>>> like
>>>> you are missing a level of granularity (we have custom level examples
>>> that
>>>> demonstrate that, like a VERBOSE level that sits between INFO and DEBUG).
>>>> It sounds like you need to use _hierarchical_ loggers and/or markers.
>>>> The fact that the level is called BUSINESS is also a hint that a level is
>>>> not quite right because it does not fit in the Level vernacular (INFO,
>>>> WARN, and so on).
>>>> If you needed a different set of levels, that would be another story
>>> (like
>>>> the DEFCON levels example).
>>>> Gary
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 8:10 AM, Nicholas Duane <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the feedback.  I will look into Markers and MDC.
>>>>> With respect to using a separate logger, it would seem I would lose the
>>>>> information about what application code, eg. the class logger, is
>>> sourcing
>>>>> the event.  We would like to have this information.  On top of that, it
>>>>> seems odd, maybe to me only, that for this new level we have our own
>>>>> logger.  It seemed reasonable to me that this new event we want to
>>> capture
>>>>> is just a new level.  Just like a DEBUG event is different from an INFO
>>>>> event.  If I define a BUSINESS level why would that not follow the same
>>>>> design as the current levels?  You wouldn't suggest having different
>>>>> loggers for TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL, would you?  I think one
>>> of
>>>>> the reasons someone on our side is suggesting I have separate loggers
>>> is
>>>>> that they think the overhead of filtering at the appender is going to
>>> have
>>>>> a noticeable impact.  Our plan, at least the one I have now in my
>>> head, is
>>>>> that we'll have some number of appenders in the root.  We'll then
>>> filter x
>>>>> < INFO events to a tracing appender, INFO <= x <= FATAL to a logging
>>>>> appender, and our custom level will go to another appender.  Thoughts?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Nick
>>>>>> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:59:36 -0700
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2015, at 7:44 PM, Nicholas Duane <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm curious if there is a prescribed approach to defining loggers.
>>>>> Let me state what my assumption is.  I assume that normally if some
>>> piece
>>>>> of code wants to log events/messages that it should create a logger for
>>>>> itself.  I guess a reasonable name to use is the class name itself.  In
>>>>> terms of logger configuration I would expect that no loggers are
>>> specified
>>>>> in the log4j configuration UNLESS is needs settings other than the
>>>>> default.  The root logger would specify the default settings, eg.
>>> level and
>>>>> appenders.  If some piece of code tied to a logger needs to enable
>>> tracing
>>>>> in order to debug an issue then you would add that logger to the
>>>>> configuration and set the level less specific for that logger.  Is
>>> this a
>>>>> typical and reasonable approach?
>>>>>> What you describe here is the common convention. It is a reasonable
>>>>> approach.
>>>>>>> I asked because we have the need for a new type of event.  To have
>>>>> this event flow to where we want it to flow the plan is to have a
>>> custom
>>>>> level and have all events at that level captured by a specific
>>> appender.
>>>>> My assumption was that for existing applications we'd just need to add
>>> our
>>>>> appender to the root and add our custom level.  The app would need to
>>> be
>>>>> modified to log our new event at the custom level.  However, someone
>>>>> suggested that we could also create a separate logger for this event.
>>> My
>>>>> thinking is that while we don't ever want to turn off logging of this
>>>>> event, loggers represent "event sources", e.g the code raising the
>>> events
>>>>> and thus having multiple different pieces of code use the same logger
>>>>> wouldn't allow you to turn on/off logging from those different
>>> sections of
>>>>> code independently.  I think the current configuration includes all the
>>>>> loggers.  Normally I would expect there to be many, on the order of
>>> 10's or
>>>>> 100's, loggers within an application.  However, in the case I was given
>>>>> there were only a handful because I think this handful is shared.  So
>>> as I
>>>>> mentioned, this doesn't sound like an ideal design as you have less
>>>>> granularity on what you can turn on/off.
>>>>>> You have a few options. Using a CustomLevel would not be the option I
>>>>> would choose.  Creating a custom Logger will certainly work and makes
>>>>> routing the message to the appropriate appender rather easy.  Another
>>>>> approach is to use Markers.  Markers are somewhat hierarchical so you
>>> can
>>>>> use them for a variety of purposes.  If you look at how Log4j handles
>>> event
>>>>> logging it actually does both - it specifies EventLogger as the name
>>> of the
>>>>> logger to use and it uses Markers to identify the kind of event.
>>>>>> A third option is to use the MDC or Logger properties. If you do that
>>>>> then you can have information included in the actual logging event
>>> that can
>>>>> affect how it is routed. I also built a system that uses the RFC5424
>>> format
>>>>> so that the event could have lots of key/value pairs to identify the
>>> events.
>>>>>> Unfortunately, without knowing more details I don’t know that I can
>>> give
>>>>> you a better idea on how I would implement it.
>>>>>> Ralph
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