
I’ve been trying to see logs using Chainsaw ZeroConf but it is not showing
me any logs even though it has “Connected” connection status.

My workspace:

Tomcat 8,


Chainsaw v2

I added javax.jmdns:jmdns as a dependency to the project

Here is my log4j.xml:

<?xml version=*"1.0"* encoding=*"UTF-8"*?>

<Configuration status=*"INFO"* advertiser=*"multicastdns"*>


              <Property name=*"layout"*>%d | %-5p | [%t] | %c{2} | %M | %m%n




              <Console name=*"Console"* target=*"SYSTEM_OUT"*>

                     <PatternLayout pattern=*"${layout}"* />


              <File name=*"Errors"* fileName=



                           <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />

                           <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size=*"1 MB"* />


                     <DefaultRolloverStrategy max=*"10"* />




              <RollingFile name=*"LogFile"* fileName=


                     bufferedIO=*"false"* advertiseURI=


                     <PatternLayout pattern=*"${layout}"* />


                           <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />

                           <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size=*"1 MB"* />


                     <DefaultRolloverStrategy max=*"10"* />




              <Root level=*"INFO"*>

                     <AppenderRef ref=*"Console"* level=*"WARN"* />

                     <AppenderRef ref=*"Errors"* level=*"WARN"* />

                     <AppenderRef ref=*"LogFile"* level=*"INFO"* />




On the ZeroConf tab, I see 2 receivers which are configuration and LogFile
that both are connected. When I double click any of them, it just changes
Connection status but not showing any logs. What should I do?

Update: I realized that in zeroconf folder of the chainsaw-log tab, it said
Remote host [] refused connection. Is that might be the reason?

Thank you

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