Is it more suitable to use CronTriggeringPolicy?


On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 4:21 AM, Hachey, Philip <> wrote:

> Yes.  As a test, I set the configuration to rollover every minute.
> Running a test application that takes negligible time to run and then
> running it again a few minutes later produces no rollover. Log messages
> from both executions get logged to the same file.
> Here are the contents of the log4j2.xml:
> *******
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE Configuration>
> <Configuration status="WARN">
>     <Appenders>
>         <RollingFile name="RollingLogFile"
>             fileName="logs/rolling.log"
>             filePattern="logs/rolling-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm}.log.gz"
>             createOnDemand="true">
>             <PatternLayout
>                 pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level - %msg%n" />
>             <Policies>
>                 <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy modulate="true"
>                     interval="1" />
>                 <OnStartupTriggeringPolicy />
>             </Policies>
>             <DefaultRolloverStrategy />
>         </RollingFile>
>     </Appenders>
>     <Loggers>
>         <Root level="error">
>             <AppenderRef ref="RollingLogFile" />
>         </Root>
>     </Loggers>
> </Configuration>
> *******
> On 2018-05-14 01:55 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
> Are you using OnStartupTriggeringPolicy?
> html#RollingFileAppender
> On 14 May 2018 at 12:47, Hachey, Philip <>
> <>
> wrote:
> Hello.  This is a question about how to achieve a particular result with
> log4j2, but I expect may instead be a *feature request*.
> I have a Java application that runs for a few minutes each hour via a cron
> job (java -jar...). It runs in its own JVM, *not* in a continuously running
> environment like Tomcat. I am using Log4j 2.11 to do logging. Within the
> application, I have a particular logger with specific rollover
> requirements:
> 1. Log to "rolling.log"
> 2. At the end of each day (or on the first logging event of a new day),
> rolling.log should be rolled over to rolling-yyyy-MM-dd.log.gz and new
> logging events added to a fresh rolling.log.
> I cannot get this to work.  It appears to me that time-based rollovers are
> only ever triggered if the application is running at the time the rollover
> would happen.
> For an example of how log4j2 handles things currently, suppose this order
> of events for a logger configured to rollover daily.
> 23:30 -- cronjob runs application for 10 minutes, logging to rolling.log
> 00:00 -- new day; rollover would happen here but application is not running
> 00:30 -- cronjob runs application for 10 minutes, still logging to
> rolling.log and no rollover happens
> Result: both days of application log messages are logged to the same file:
> rolling.log, without any rollover.
> Feature Request (assuming there is not already a way do this): Allow
> time-based rollover to trigger if, upon application execution, it is noted
> that the time a rollover should have happened was after the previous
> application execution.
> E.g.:
> 23:30 -- cronjob runs application for 10 minutes, logging to rolling.log
> 00:00 -- new day; rollover would happen here but application is not running
> 00:30 -- cronjob runs application for 10 minutes; at start of execution
> (or first log message), log4j2 notes that a rollover should have happened
> and so rolls over the existing rolling.log and adds all new log messages to
> a new rolling.log file.
> Hint: to do this, log4j will likely need to record a timestamp of the last
> log message or when the application previously terminated, then read this
> time stamp on application start (or first log message).
> Note: I originally posted this question on Stack Overflow and additional
> details, including test code and my attempts at log4j2 configuration, may
> be found there:
> configure-log4j2-to-rollover-with-time-stamp-on-startup
> Thank you,
> Philip

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