Thank you for the suggestion. I will do that.


On 11/19/2020 5:51 AM, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:

> In the light of what Ralph mentioned about %L pattern, @Lisa, would you mind 
> seeing if simplifying the pattern (that is, removing certain directives bit 
> by bit, e.g., starting with %L) helps? Pinning down the actual smoking gun 
> would help us a lot.
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 4:50 PM Ralph Goers <> 
> wrote:
>> Is there any chance you could run your application under YourKit and profile 
>> startup?
>> Your partner uses %L so each log event needs to locate the location of the 
>> caller. In Java 8 that used the com.sun.Reflection class but that was 
>> removed in Java 9 so in Java 11 it would be using java.util.StackWalker. I 
>> suspect the majority of the time will be there. I have made several attempts 
>> to make that faster but haven’t seemed to find something that works for 
>> everybody. So providing a profiling snapshot would help enormously.
>> FWIW, Logging to the Console is known to be very slow, but I don’t believe 
>> it should have changed that much between Java 8 and 11.
>> Ralph
>>> On Nov 17, 2020, at 11:11 PM, Lisa Ruby <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I am working on moving my Java application development from Java 8 and
>>> JavaFX 8 to Java 11 and JavaFX 11, and am seeing a large performance
>>> degradation in log4j between Java 8 and Java 11.
>>> I've found these two issues that appear to have been addressed. Assuming
>>> whatever changes/fixes were involved got included in the latest
>>> releases, they have not fixed the issue I am seeing.
>>> For Java 11 I am using AdoptOpenJDK version 11.0.2, OpenJFX version
>>> 11.0.2, log4j version 2.14.0 (also tried 2.13.3, and 2.12.1), and
>>> NetBeans 12.0. In my Java 8 implementation I'm using log4j 2.12.1. I can
>>> supply JDK version if needed.
>>> Below is a general representation of what my log4j xml config file looks
>>> like. It's the same for Java 8 as for Java 11. I have a Loggers entry
>>> for each class in my application. They are all specified the same as the
>>> one shown here. In each class file I have code that looks like this:
>>> private static final Logger logger =
>>> LogManager.getLogger(ClassName.class.getName());
>>> XML File Sample
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <Configuration status="warn" monitorinterval="15">
>>> <Appenders>
>>> <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
>>> <PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} -
>>> %L - %msg%n"/>
>>> </Console>
>>> <RollingFile name="RollingLogFile" fileName="logs/app.log"
>>> filePattern="logs/app-%i.log" >
>>> <PatternLayout>
>>> <pattern>%d{ISO8601}_%-5level_[%replace{%t}{stateofmyestate\.}{}]_%replace{%logger{36}}{stateofmyestate\.}{}_%L_%msg%n%ex</pattern>
>>> </PatternLayout>
>>> <Policies>
>>> <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="5 MB" />
>>> </Policies>
>>> <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5"/>
>>> </RollingFile>
>>> </Appenders>
>>> <Loggers>
>>> <Logger name = "appname.classname" level = "trace"
>>> additivity="false">
>>> <AppenderRef ref="RollingLogFile"/>
>>> <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
>>> </Logger>
>>> <Root level="trace">
>>> <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
>>> </Root>
>>> </Loggers>
>>> </Configuration>
>>> I have a lot of log messages, many of which are logged as the
>>> application is starting. When using Java 11 the logging is causing my
>>> application to take at least 6 times longer to start than with Java 8.
>>> With Java 8 it takes between 3 and 4 seconds. With Java 11 it takes 25
>>> seconds. I have some other functionality that also does a lot of logging
>>> when the log level is set to trace, and in that case the performance
>>> goes from seconds in Java 8 to several minutes in Java 11.
>>> I've tried various things to troubleshoot, and it appears to be
>>> something related to Console logging that is causing the performance
>>> issue. If I remove the Console Appenders from my configuration and leave
>>> only the RollingFile Appenders, the problem goes away. If I do the
>>> opposite and remove the RollingFile Appenders and leave the Console
>>> Appenders, I see a tiny improvement in the performance, but it's still
>>> way worse than in Java 8. So far I'm testing by running the application
>>> through NetBeans. I haven't tried starting the application from a
>>> Windows Command window yet. Running into some other issues doing that.
>>> Can anyone help me figure out if this is a log4j issue, or if there is
>>> something I can change in how I'm using log4j with Java 11, so I can
>>> resolve this issue?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Lisa Ruby
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