On 2011-08-17, Tasos Vogiatzoglou wrote:

> If there is a schedule for 1.2.11 I don't mind a branch after that. If
> there is not a schedule for 1.2.11 or there are resource constraints I
> could certainly help time to drive a good release.

It depends on how much help we can get, but I'm confident we can release
1.2.11 in about a month.  I might be too optimistic, though.

> As have been noted in other messages, there is an issue with the
> strong naming of log4net assembly. That prevents lots of people from
> creating their own assembly as there are dependencies that have to be
> recompiled. In my situation e.g. I have windsor IOC (among other
> things) that would take a great effort to build.

So far consenus seemed to be that we'll release two sets of assemblies,
one signed with the same key as 1.2.10 and one signed with a new key
that is not kept private and will be used for all future releases.

We may even release a third set of assemblies that isn't strong named at

> So if what is needed to have stuff merged is resources, I am willing
> to do what is required.

I'm sure we can use any help we can get.  Short term there'll be a
bottle-neck in that only few people actually have write access to svn -
and things will be worse the coming two weeks due to time constraints on
my side (now that I have write access) - but one thing that everybody
can do is review patches.

I'll post some ideas on how I think we could release 1.2.11 soonish
later today.


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