>On 2013-11-07, Dominik Psenner wrote:
>>> On 2013-11-06, Dominik Psenner wrote:
>>>> Maybe we can craft some other small and easy fixes that we can ship
>>>> 1.2.13.
>>> Oh, even though I've already tagged the sources in svn don't let that
>>> hold you back, tags are cheap.  Look through JIRA if you see anything
>>> you feel fits and we'll go from there.
>> I may spare some time in the weekend, thus feel free to go on.
>Do you think you can have a quick look to see whether there is any
>"quick fix" kind of ticket - to me nothing jumps out right now.
>If there is, I'd be happy to wait anouther week, otherwise I'd proceed
>with the release process and rather try to get trunk back into a
>releasable state for a quick 1.3.0 afterwards.

Not anytime soon, sorry.

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