Hi Log4Net Developers,

I am Kanchan Mehrotra, a Senior Test Lead on the ASP.NET team. I am reaching 
out to you as you are contributors to the Log4Net package which is popular in 
the .NET community. We would like to discuss with you plans for releasing 
support for your package for ASP.NET vNext<https://www.asp.net/vnext>. ASP.NET 
vNext is a new, lean and composable framework for building Web and cloud 
applications. It is open source<https://github.com/aspnet/home>, 
 and supports true side-by-side versioning. ASP.NET vNext is "The Future of 
.NET on the 
Server<http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2014/DEV-B385>" and 
we are very excited about what it brings to the .NET community!

As a part of our testing to understand the porting experience to ASP.NET vNext 
we ported some parts of your package source to use the latest preview release 
of ASP.NET vNext. We would like to share our initial investigations with you. 
Jiří Činčura, Daniel Roth and I met earlier and thought it would be great to 
include some of you in these discussions so please do let me know who on the 
project owners team should we involve in these discussions to share more 
information about ASP.Net vNext and support Serilog on this new stack.


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