On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 21:13 -0800, "Mike Schilli" <m...@perlmeister.com>
> Actually, just for the record, you can set an appender's layout:
>      $appender->layout($layout); # perldoc Log::Log4perl::Appender

I tried the following code:

    $nl =
        filename          => $logname,
        mode              => 'clobber',
        utf8              => 1,
        create_at_logtime => 1
    $nl->layout(Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new('%C %m%n'));

But when I write something with $nl->log(...), I don't see the layout

> > Now I would like to incorporate the possibility that in addition to
> > that normal, continually going logfile, the logs occuring to each
> > request should be written into a separate, request-specific logfile,
> > so that, if we hav 100 requests on a day, we would end up having 100
> > extra logfiles in addition to the main logfile.
> Add another appender to your category and have it name its log
> files according to a function get_request_name() that your
> application provides:
>      log4perl.logger = DEBUG, FooApp, BarApp, AnotherAppender

This is valid Perl code????? So I have to the left of the assignment a
catenation, and to the right the comma operator? 

>      # ...
>      log4perl.appender.AnotherAppender.filename = \
>           sub { "mylog." . get_request_name() . ".log" }

Here too I don't understand the syntax. 

> I'm assuming that each 'request' starts the app anew. 

No, the app is running continually during days or weeks in a main loop
and polls 
for new requests. If a request is arriving, it is decomposed into
various pieces. 
Say a request R is coming, followed by request S. The app first is
analyzing R 
and decomposes it into pieces according to some algorithm (let's call
the pieces 
R1, R2, R3). Then it does the next with request S (which might result
into pieces 
S1, S2, S3, S4). Then it schedules the pieces for execution. One
schedule might be: 
R1, S1, S2, R2, S3, S4, R3 and executes them. While some "R"-piece is
executed, logs 
should go to the "R.log" file. While some "S"-piece is executed, logs
should go to 
the "S.log" file.

This is a highly simplified example, and of course there are not only 2
per day, but many more.

Ronald Fischer <rona...@eml.cc>
+  If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, 
+  and the bus is interrupted and the interrupt's not caught,
+  then the socket packet pocket has an error to report.
+               (cited after Peter van der Linden)

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