
I'm only sending this on the off chance someone here might be interested
- I've sorted the problem out at my end.

We've been using Log::Log4perl 1.25 and previous versions for ages but
moved to a new development machine. The old one was perl 5.8.8 and
Log::Log4perl 1.25 and the new one is perl 5.10.0 and Log::Log4perl 1.26
(I'm not sure the Perl version matters but I have not tested that).

Since the upgrade we are getting no logging in one of the files we
expected to get it. After a bit of searching around I discovered the
module we were using was doing this:

local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth = $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
$h{logger} = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();

and the fix was to change the order of those lines. I've no idea why it
works on one machine and not the other but I thought someone might be
interested. The module in question was DBIx::Log4perl.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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