Dear friends,

We can look back at Goedel's work as one early attempt of fibring of formal
systems. Thus, the problem of determining the consistency and the
completeness of the system seems to be like the same problem for a given
logic L which is obtained by the fibring of two logics L* and L**. First
order arithmetics is thus the fibring of first order logic and Peano's
arithmetics, which yields the known results presented by Goedel.

We have no a priori intuitive reason to assume that a certain fibring will
produce a consistent and complete system. This has to be checked as the
systems are combined. If in combining two systems one produces results like
those of Goedel's theorems, it must still be possible to investigate the
resulting system by investigating other features of the same, namely
checking whether it has different, new, unusual or unexpected properties.

In sum, I don't expect to see novelties that can or will overshadow Goedel's
contributions, except in consequence of more advances in the field of

Em 1 de outubro de 2011 14:21, Walter Carnielli

> Caros colegas:
> como vimos,  o Ed Nelson  retirou seu "claim"  sobre a inconsistência de
>  P.
> Isso, contudo, não significa  o fim das discussões, nem  menos  a
> garantia da  consistência de P!
> Quero aqui parabenizar ao nosso  colega   Daniel Tausk do IME  USP
> (
> pela  excelente  observação que convenceu   o Nelson.  Imagino  que  o
> Rodrigo Freire  e  outros coelgas da  USP tenham  participado
> ativamente da atmosfera de discussão que levou o Daniel a observar o
> erro na pretensa prova do Ed Nelson.
> E  finalmente  parabenizo o Ed Nelosn  pela coragem em  propor sua
> alegação, e pela  humildade em reconhecer  publicamente o erro. Acho
> que é assim  que se faz ciência,  e  acho que  esse tipo de atitude é
> que devemos ensinar aos nossos  estudantes, e  aprendermos  nós
> mesmos.  Ed  Nelson  merece  uma  homegagem.
> Abraços,
> Walter
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Edward Nelson <>
> Date: 2011/10/1
> Subject: [FOM] inconsistency of P
> To:
> Terrence Tao, at
> and independently Daniel Tausk (private communication)
> have found an irreparable error in my outline.
> In the Kritchman-Raz proof, there is a low complexity
> proof of K(\bar\xi)>\ell if we assume \mu=1, but the
> Chaitin machine may find a shorter proof of high
> complexity, with no control over how high.
> My thanks to Tao and Tausk for spotting this.
> I withdraw my claim.
> The consistency of P remains an open problem.
> Ed Nelson
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> Prof. Dr. Walter Carnielli
> Director
> Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science – CLE
> State University of Campinas –UNICAMP
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