Foi publicado ha pouco no journal Philosophies o artigo do Manuel  Doria
''The Unreasonable Destructiveness of Political Correctness in Philosophy''

O artigo começa assim:
''Western philosophy is under threat. The grand intellectual tradition that
for over two thousand years has fostered iconoclastic freethinkers of the
highest caliber—from Socrates to Hypatia of Alexandria and from William of
Ockham to Giordano Bruno—has been infected by a spirit of uncritical
conformity that is incompatible with its original pursuits. This time, the
foe is not a persecutory institutional religion but a persecutory secular
ideology. This ideology has become so ingrained in humanities departments
all over the (so-called) First World that it has become a received view, a
default position under which all other perspectives are evaluated. And
dissenting points of view have been stormed, not mainly by intellectual
argument the way they should, but by political rhetoric and social

Segam mais de 50 paginas, o artigo é  disponivel no site de Philosophies:

Este artigo faz parte de um numero especial de Philosophies (open access
que estou editando junto com a  minha colega Thalia Magioglou da LSE,
outros artigos se encontram aqui:

Recomendo também a leitura da palestra do
John Etchemendy: ‘The threat from within’
Etchemendy é um logico que foi durante mais de 15 anos (2000-2017) o
direitor (provost)  da Universidade de Stanford


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