Logiweb is now available in the Fedora repository. It currently has status: testing. The version is 0.2.8-10 which is near-identical to the previously announced 0.2.5.

If you have a computer with 2GB ram and which runs Fedora 11 or later, consider to help with testing of the package. Instructions are included below.



In Fedora F11 or F12:
- Select System->Administration->Add/Remove Software
In Add/Remove Software window:
- Select System->Software Sources
- Check checkbox next to "Fedora...Test Updates"
- Type "logiweb" in search box in upper left corner and hit enter
- Check checkbox next to logiweb package
- Click "Apply"
In a shell:
- Type "lgc --version" to see that 0.2.8 is installed
- Possibly try http://logiweb.eu/1.0/doc/tutorial.html

If you want to help:
Visit https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/logiweb-0.2.8-10.fc12
Click "Add a comment" at bottom of page
Add comment and select "works for me" or "does not work".
Logiweb mailing list
(Web access from inside DIKUs LAN only)

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