* Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> At Thu, 29 Mar 2001 11:07:28 +0100 (BST), Jonathan Stowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
> > >
> > > And I realise that my description yesterday was slightly inaccurate.
> > > I said it would parse Perl approximately. A better description 
> > > would be that it parses approximate Perl.
> > 
> > Thus making the phrase 'you can't make up any old shit and expect it 
> > to work' redundant ?
> Well, not just "any old shit" - just how mad do you think I am?[1]. But 
> maybe it would deal with the occasional typo. Or perhaps keywords in a 
> different language... or something like that.
> > Crack Head.
> Thank you :)

Well the thing is that Dave's proposed module wouldn't score high on CiP,
the same goes for Sub::Approx. However modules that used them seriously
would, so maybe we need another term for this ...

Crack Dealer - One who produces modules, code snippets or techniques
that will in themselves not high in the CiP rating, helps others encourage
high CiP ratings.

Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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