On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> * dcross - David Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > From: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: 03 April 2001 13:56
> >
> > > So, should we start baiting Scientologists through the archive?
> >
> > Where do I start?
> >
> > * L Ron Hubbard is on record as saying the best way to make money is to
> > start a religion. A few years later he founded the church of scientology.
> >
> as in CoS ....
> "People should be free to believe whatever they want, including Scientology.
> What I have against CoS is its deceitfulness, its lack of compassion for its
> members (especially the hard-working staff), its aggressive hard sell, its
> arrogance, its attack on free speech, its litigiousness, its harassment of
> its critics, its lack of concern for families, its gross neglect and abuse of
> children, etc. "
> from http://www.xenu.net/cb-faq.html
> you can also help out at http://www.xenu.net/support.html
> >
> > Is that the sort of thing you wanted?
> >
> exactly dave, it makes me feel that the archive have some use!

I have one Scientology story -

A couple of years ago I was in East Grinstead hospital (thing 'Guinea Pig
Club') while they were trying to fix the little finger on my right hand (
they failed but thats another story ).  There was this nice Maori guy in
the bed next to me out of his head on pain-killers as he had third degree
burns on his arms.  Anyhow it transpired that he was part of a Maori
dancing troupe that was doing some cultural tour at the behest of the
Church of Scientology whose european headquarters happen to be in East
Grinstead.  The second day I was in the hospital I was beginning to get a
little pissed off as you do and  this party of bloody Scientology Auditors
came along and started doing their thing with this geezer with only the
merest of hospital screens around - I dont think that they get out the old
baked bean can and avometer device ( Oooh sorry E-Meter ) but you can
never be too sure -  and this started going on for seeming hours and I was
that bored that I had started reading Bjarne Stroustrup' book again.

I'm not going to bore you with the details of wahat the prats were going o
about but needless to say it could be deduced from Hubbards earlier
writings and the basic milieu of cod spychology of the early sixties ...

I complained to the staff and they said it pissed them off too but they
got a lot of them in being the HQ and everything and they couldnt do much
about it ....


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