On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> PGP isn't free for commerical use. You're supposed to buy a license. When
> our purchasing department here approached NAI to buy one, they were told the
> the Unix (server) version was £27,000 and the Windows version was £657.
> Obviously, from the bottom line this is a bit of a no-brainer. But this
> leaves us having to copy files over to a PC, unencrypt them, and copy them
> back to the Unix machine. Which I'd like to avoid.
> Has anyone else had experience buying PGP? Do those prices sound sane to
> you?
> Dave...
> p.s. And don't suggest GPG. That's been ruled out by the PTBs for reasons
> that I may well rant on tonight.

umm ... since a) gpg with the gpgpgp ( or is it pgpgpg?) wrapper seem (in
my application at least, to perform the same task with the same
commands on pgp encrypted messages, and b) its not your money, then I'd
tell em to stump up the cash and pay for it.

Sadly I won't be there to hear your rant ... but I can guess the general
idea ;)

actually with the recent departure of Phil Zimmerman  from NAI and his 'I
can guarntee you that there is no back door in the products ... up to this
date' speech and NAI stating it won't release source code for future
versions I'm surprised you'd actually want to use pgp instead of gpg ..
but hey .. you said 'And don't suggest GPG' so I wont ;))

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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