dcross - David Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> PGP isn't free for commerical use. You're supposed to buy a license.
> When our purchasing department here approached NAI to buy one, they
> were told the the Unix (server) version was £27,000 and the Windows
> version was £657.

Stick it on a Win2K box. Stick ActivePerl, PerlScript and IIS on
there. Write a PerlISAPI (or whatever the IIS equivalent of that is)
script to accept a file and pass phrase over an SSL link and return
(over the SSL link) the unencrypted file.

On the Unix side, write your funky commandline script to use the IIS
box as an RPC server via IIS/SOAP/whatever. For bonus points, write it
so that it's commandline equivalent to PGP and will just drop in as a

Thumb your nose at NAI. Sorted.


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