On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 01:11:30PM +0100, Jonathan Peterson wrote:

> David Cantrell wrote:
> > Isn't it interesting that Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, de Gaulle and
> > Churchill were all 'charismatic' leaders.
> Hmmm... As were Svein Forkbeard, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar,
> Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Alfred the Great, Tokugawa, ...
> Hey - I know this is a bit wild, but maybe there's some kind of
> connection between 'charisma' and 'leadership'...

As I think you realised, I didn't meant the usual sort of charisma.  I
mean more along the lines of those 'charismatic' evangelist churches and
other religious cults.

Judged by those standards, Alexander, Julius Caesar and Alfred the Great
don't count.  I don't know enough about the others to be able to form an

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

  Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our "most advanced operating system
   in the world" which we decided to release incomplete just for a laugh

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