On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 07:44:40PM +0200, Philip Newton wrote:
> [google]
> Yes. google++, definitely.


> Its success is probably partly because it looks at how many links point to
> the page. If lots of people link to site X, then site X is probably (a)

Not only that, but I think it does the text around the links too...

> really great and trusted by lots of people, or (b) really bad but lots of
> people think it's great (M*tt's Scr*pt *rch*v*), so it'll show up further
> up.


> Which reminds me of something I read in the PuTTY FAQ:
> > Question: Would you like me to register you a snappier domain
> > name? The PuTTY web page is hard to find.
> > Answer: No, it isn't. You type "putty" into Google and it's the
> > very first thing that comes back.
> How true.

Typical of Simon Tatham. :-) Anyway, chiark isn't that hard to remember,
and greenend is just due to living on Green End Road on Cambridge (except
that chiark doesn't...)


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