Jonathan Peterson wrote:

> David Cantrell wrote:
>>If they are allowing someone to use their machine to attack me, then *they*
>>are attacking me.  Not securing their own box is a sin of ommission as
>>opposed to a sin of commission, so I'll let them off with a sound flaming
>>instead of cutting their balls off.  Being incapable of securing their own
>>box is not an admissible defence.
> I guess in some places firearms are treated the same way - certainly if
> criminals steal guns from a shooting club, and it's found that the guns
> weren't even locked away, the club is liable. I suppose the jury is
> still out as to whether something like a P2 400Mhz running Windoze is as
> dangerous as a .303 rifle, but certainly many people would agree that it
> is.

It depends how high you drop them from.  I have an old 486 which makes 
up for it's lack of power in weight and solid build.  Dropping this onto 
the head of an assailant from the the top of the stairs (I live in a top 
floor flat) could, if the element of surprise is retained, be quite 
dangerous whereas a .303 rifle may only cause slight bruising/annoyance.


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