I've written a module which I intend to release onto CPAN.  I've never done 
this before, I haven't even registered on PAUSE yet.  So before I do that, 
I'd appreciate it if people would have a quick glance at what I've written, 
and let me know what major boo-boos my inexperience has caused :-)

The module is called Tie::Deref, but I'm having second thoughts and wondering 
whether Alias::Lexical might not be a better name.

The documentation is at http://thereaction.co.uk/dah/Tie-Deref-man

The module itself is at http://thereaction.co.uk/dah/Tie-Deref-pm

Thanks in advance,

/ Dave (a social perl newbie)
\|/GET| Dave Hinton
-/SOME| Battersea, London, England 
/SLEEP| http://thereaction.co.uk/dah

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