On Friday, September 5, 2003, 3:50:07 PM, Andy Wardley wrote:

AW> James Campbell wrote:
>> "If God created the universe, who created God?"

AW> God didn't create the universe.  God is the universe.  

AW> That's about the only thing that all the religious texts can agree on - 
AW> that "God", or whatever name you chose for the concept, is omniprescient
AW> and omnipotent.  This implies that God is everywhere and in everything and
AW> there can be nothing that is "outside of God".

Only in Monotheistic religions, and the only one of those that's got any
substantial following in this country is Judaism. One of my favourite
Christian-baiting tactics (when I'm in that sort of mood) is to put
forward my proposition that they have a pantheon of gods.

For a start there's the three they get into enough trouble with just by
admitting their existence: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit (whatever that is).
Then you've got a couple of other major deities such as the Virgin Mary
(especially revered in Catholicism) and Satan, and a host of minor gods
who they usually name "saints".

  [ .. snippety .. ]

AW> So there's no need to invoke religion, spirituality, or the supernatural
AW> to understand and appreciate what God is.  Just define the term to mean
AW> something more familiar like "Universe".  It is every bit as magical,
AW> mystical and awe-inspiring, but a lot easier to get your head around
AW> (figurately speaking - not even God could get his head around the Universe).

AW> Hmm... I think I may start a religion.  I hear there's money in it... :-)

Too late: http://members.aol.com/Heraklit1/

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