Jason Clifford wrote:
On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Robin Berjon wrote:
Dunno. She sure looks good in some of those leather outfits.
A god of slaughtered cows? ;)

Nah, radiocative decay. A cowium atom decays into several steakiums and some leatherium, plus a handful of neutrinos, a loud moo and some blood. While they do this naturally anyway, we can speed the process up by bombarding the cowium atom with a stunner and high-speed knives.

Furrfu, why do people have to keep inventing deities for perfectly simple natural processes? And why isn't there a God Of Having A Really Big Dump, You Know, The Ones Where You Just Have To Get It Out But Strain And Strain As Much As You Like It Just Doesn't Want To Move?

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

One person can change the world, but most of the time they shouldn't
    -- Marge Simpson

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