
> I'm not scared of polynomial evaluation, but the fact that my IGP 
> implementation is dependent on the PD specifics, which are not generally 
> available and need to be custom built for each PD specifically. I always 
> thought a good IGP implementation is PD agnostic.

Your implementation is always dependent on the underlying hardware.  We have 
timers, we have filesystems, we have I/O subsystems, threads, and clocks to 
contend with. The input queue in the hardware is a fact of life and knowing 
about it can improve our implementations.

Because the PD layer can provide isolation from the specifics, the IGP 
implementation is reasonably abstracted from those specifics, in much the same 
way that the OS has abstracted us from the remainder of the underlying 
hardware. All I’m proposing is adding one more item to that PD abstraction.


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