
From: Lsr [mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 6:49 PM
To: Robert Raszuk
Cc: lsr@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flow Control Discussion for IS-IS Flooding Speed

Robert –

Thanx for your input.

Note that one of the suggestions in 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ginsberg-lsr-isis-flooding-scale/  is to 
prioritize the reception of SNPs over LSPs so that we are less likely to drop 
It is not clear to me why you think SNP generation would be an issue.
Once a received LSP is processed one of the outputs is to set a per interface 
flag indicating that an ACK (PSNP) needs to be sent (SSN flag). Implementations 
usually implement some small delay so that multiple ACKs can be sent in a 
single PSNP – but I do not see why this should be viewed as a bottleneck.

If your concern is that we need to emphasize the importance of sending timely 
ACKs, I think we could look at text that makes that point.
So you need a new behavior on the Rx side (Rx with respect to LSP).  This is 
_not_ Tx only with no need for protocol change.
And BTW, this is called a feedback from the Rx to the Tx.

As we change the protocol on the Rx side, we have the opportunity to report 
more information from Rx to the Tx.



From: Lsr <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Robert Raszuk
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 1:07 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>
Cc: lsr@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flow Control Discussion for IS-IS Flooding Speed

Hi Les & all,

Watching this discussion I would like to state that IMO going with transmitter 
based rate limiting (I would not call it flow control) is much easier option to 
deploy and operate. It also has no dependency across other side of p2p adj 
which is a very important factor. The only issue here is if generation of 
[P|C]SNPs is fast enough.

Receiver based flow control is simple in flow theory however I have a feeling 
that if we are to go that path we would be much better to actually run ISIS 
flooding over DC-TCP and avoid reinventing the wheel.


On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 3:26 AM Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) 
<ginsb...@cisco.com<mailto:ginsb...@cisco.com>> wrote:
Two recent drafts advocate for the use of faster LSP flooding speeds in IS-IS:


There is strong agreement on two key points:

1)Modern networks require much faster flooding speeds than are commonly in use 

2)To deploy faster flooding speeds safely some form of flow control is needed

The key point of contention between the two drafts is how flow control should 
be implemented.

advocates for a receiver based flow control where the receiver advertises in 
hellos the parameters which indicate the rate/burst size which the receiver is 
capable of supporting on the interface. Senders are required to limit the rate 
of LSP transmission on that interface in accordance with the values advertised 
by the receiver.

advocates for a transmit based flow control where the transmitter monitors the 
number of unacknowledged LSPs sent on each interface and implements a backoff 
algorithm to slow the rate of sending LSPs based on the length of the per 
interface unacknowledged queue.

While other differences between the two drafts exist, it is fair to say that if 
agreement could be reached on the form of flow control  then it is likely other 
issues could be resolved easily.

This email starts the discussion regarding the flow control issue.

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