Ondrej Valousek wrote:

> My LTSP4.2 works fine against FC5

Ondrej, thank you for your reply - I was starting to worry. I tried the
change you suggested, but it did not work. Motivated by the fact that
keyboard switcher works for you, I decided to investigate further. See
[SOLUTION] below.

First sign of problems I saw was: when I try to add a layout to the
keyboard switcher, a preview of the keyboard does not work, and I get an
error in the xorg.log on the terminal:

(EE) Error loading keymap /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled/server-0_0.xkm

I found the following in the man page for setxkbmap:

USING WITH xkbcomp
If you have an Xserver and a client shell running on different comput-
ers  and  XKB  configuration files sets on those machines are different
you can get problems  specifying  a  keyboard  map  by  model,  layout,
options  names.   The  thing  is the setxkbcomp converts these names to
names of XKB configuration files according to files  that  are  on  the
client side computer.  Then it sends the file names to the server where
the xkbcomp has to compose a complete keyboard map  using  files  which
the  server  has.   Thus  if the sets of files differ significantly the
names that the setxkbmap generates can be unacceptable  on  the  server
side.   You  can  solve  this problem running the xkbcomp on the client
side too.  With the -print option setxkbmap just prints the files names
in  an  appropriate  format  to its stdout and this output can be piped
directly to the xkbcomp input. For example, a command
       setxkbmap us -print | xkbcomp - $DISPLAY
makes both step on the same (client) machine and loads a  keyboard  map
into the server.

On my Fedora Core 5 server, "setxkbmap us -print" produces:

xkb_keymap {
      xkb_keycodes  { include "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)" };
      xkb_types     { include "complete"      };
      xkb_compat    { include "complete"      };
      xkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc105)+us"  };
      xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)"     };

Attempt to run this through xkbdcomp on the terminal does, indeed, fail.

It turns out that the way xkb files are packaged on FC5 and LTSP are
different. For example, symbols/pc is a directory on LTSP, but a file
on FC5. I saw some messages in the Fedora lists that mentioned such a
change between FC5 Test2 and Final.

I replaced all the subdirectories and *.dir files in xkb in the LTSP's
tree with their analogues from the FC5 install. Keyboard switcher works.
This is not a real solution: it is ugly, breaks LTSP upgrade, can break
when OS is upgraded on the server etc., but it will have to do until
LTSP developers provide a better one :)

Now I do not understand why does it work for you...

Leonid Dubinsky

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