I've been struggling a bit to get local devices to work with my mandriva
2007 server running ltsp 4.2.

Following http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LTSP-42-LocalDev, I've
got FUSE installed, got the perl-x11-protocol, and have downloaded the
ltsp-server package.

Now I'm stuck :( The readme in ltsp-server-pkg tells me to install some
scripts here and there. OK. 

Then there's xsession-lbus-start. 
  -- This code snippet will need to be run as part of the user's xsession.
     Either put it in a global directory where your distro includes scripts
     to be run on initiation of an xsession, or include it in the users'
     .xsesssion  script.
Duh? I don't know which scripts are run on initialisation, and there don't
seem to be any .xsession scripts in the user dirs.

Similarly ltspswapd-startscript
  -- Startup script for the swapd.  Modify to suit your servers startup
I haven't a clue, I'm afraid :(

Has anyone tried this with mandriva, or can anyone give me some hints as to
how to proceed; I'd really be very grateful.

Tony van der Hoff        | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Buckinghamshire, England 

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