Carl schrieb:
> I am relatively new to LTSP and have what I am sure is a silly question.
> How exactly do you install new software to be used on the clients? I
> THOUGHT you did a chroot, apt-get, then ltsp-image-update, however
> apt-get reports it can't resolve host. 
> Btw, I am attempting to get the Nvidia drivers/settings/etc.. installed
> for the clients as they are all dual head nvidia cards, my server is
> ATI.
> Thanks,
> Carl

No, no, Carl - just install on the server. As soon as it's there, all 
clients will benefit from it ;-) as far as users logging in on the 
clients have the right to use the new app.

Think of the clients as clones of the monitor connected to the server. 
It's actually ONE machine serving MANY users concurrently.


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