On 2014-12-18, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
> I would like to have an LTSP 5 alongside with an LTSP 4.2 on the same 
> server. Long time ago, I had this running. But I do not remember every 
> detail, and answers in the net are either outdated or too unfocused.
> As far as I understand, the only glitch is getting dhcp to hand out the 
> data for either of the two LTSP breeds according to the MAC address of 
> the terminals.

Another option would be to use pxelinux configuration files to handle
the differences, and then symlink the configuration file for each

So in the top-level tftp dir, you'd have configs like so:

# symlink to ltsp5 configuration
/pxelinux.cfg/default -> ltsp5
# symlink for mac address 11:22:33:44:55:66:77, note the 01 prefix:
/pxelinux.cfg/01-11-22-33-44-55-66-77 -> ltsp42
# symlink for mac address 88:99:00:aa:bb:cc, note the 01 prefix:
/pxelinux.cfg/01-88-99-00-aa-bb-cc -> ltsp5

Here's an example of a pxelinux configuration using probably overly
complicated menus:


In particular, here's a setup for an LTSP configuration not in the
default directory, forcing the nfsroot to a different value:


  label ltsp-wheezy
  menu label Diskless Terminal
  kernel /ltsp/i386-wheezy/486-vmlinuz
  append ro initrd=/ltsp/i386-wheezy/486-initrd.img init=/sbin/init-ltsp
  quiet root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp boot=nfs nfsroot=/opt/ltsp/i386-wheezy/
  ipappend 2

You could easily have one configuration file for ltsp5 and one for
ltsp42, and only make a symlink in pxelinux.cfg, rather than editing
dhcpd.conf and restarting dhcp every time you add or remove a client.

Also, with the "default" entry symlinked to whichever you prefer (ltsp42
or ltsp5), you would only have to add mac address symlinks for the
non-default ones.

Good luck!

live well,

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